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Re: [patch][python] 0 of 5 - Frame filters and Wrappers

Hi Phil,

> This patch-series has been committed in its entirety.  Thank you for
> the reviews, it is very much appreciated.  I have attached the
> ChangeLog entries as merged for committing the patch.

There is something I noticed while using a debugger where the gdb
modules cannot be found:

  (gdb) bt
  Python Exception <type 'exceptions.ImportError'> No module named gdb.frames: 

This is because I am using a debugger where python module path relocation
is not working for some reason I am yet to investigate. But this would
happen to someone improperly installing GDB as well.  This can actually
happen fairly often, because it's usual in emergency situations to just
copy the gdb binary where you need it instead of the full blown install,
knowingly letting go of the Python capabilities when you don't need them.

I am wondering whether we might want to be a little more resilient,
in that situation, and fall-back on pretending Python is not available
if the gdb.frames module could not be imported.


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