[PATCH] [4/14] Completes renaming of configure.in files to .ac

Michael Darling darlingm@gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 08:38:00 GMT 2015

Perhaps the best solution is both sets of patches.

Yours to modify the build system so it can work with either extension,
old versions, and other imported packages.

Mine to complete binutils-gdb and gcc moving from configure.in to .ac
extension.  There have been several commits spread out across the last
year slowly moving the migration along.  People have been slowly
changing the extension over in their areas for the past year, but not
getting everything moved over at once.

Finish it up, have consistency, use the "prefered" extension, prevent
the warning about old ".in" extensions, make it robust so it works
with the old extension, and get combined builds working again.

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Jan Beulich <JBeulich@suse.com> wrote:
>>>> On 17.07.15 at 06:26, <darlingm@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Which imported packages use configure.in?  I'm happy to submit patches
>> for those, too.
> The answer to this may not even matter - consuming components
> (like gcc is in respect to binutils) shouldn't assume only the newer
> name is used: It should remain to be possible to build with older
> versions. I.e. you always have to check for both .ac and .in when
> looking for a file.
> Jan

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