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Re: [PATCH] Don't crash if parse_definition_macro's 'body' is NULL

>>>>> "Sergio" == Sergio Durigan Junior <> writes:

Sergio> This very simple patch is just a safeguard against this scenario; it
Sergio> is not a fix for the problem (which actually happens on "debugedit",
Sergio> and which Mark Wielaard is already working on), but at least it makes
Sergio> GDB not crash on invalid DWARF, which is a plus IMO.

I don't really get why read_direct_string (and the other functions like
it) returns NULL when it sees an empty string.  How is something like
"#define X" represented such that this doesn't return NULL?

Other complaints in the caller of parse_macro_definition provide a bit
more context, like the macro name, source file, and line number:

	      complaint (_("debug info gives %s macro %s with %s line %d: %s"),
			 at_commandline ? _("command-line") : _("in-file"),
			 is_define ? _("definition") : _("undefinition"),
			 line == 0 ? _("zero") : _("non-zero"), line, body);

... so maybe the new complaint could as well.


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