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Re: [RFC] Pascal language: case insensitivity!

   Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 22:29:54 +0200

     I don't really care about acceptation of this patch,
   but I do care about GDB supporting case insensitivness for pascal language.

     So there are two possibilities to consider at least:

     - apply my patches only locally in GDB tree.

Adding local changes to gnu-regex.c should only be done as a last
resort since it increases the amount of work to be done when importing
a new copy of the master source.

     - use POSIX regex instead of GNU regex in GDB.

   I really have no idea about the second issue,
   but there might be several drawbacks,
   there are probably build systems that don't have
   a without POSIX library.

The GNU regex library provides both POSIX and BSD regex entry points.
Right now GDB uses the BSD functions, but we can change it to use the
POSIX functions.  Someone needs to for over all the regex function
invocations in GDB and convert them.  Then we can simply add the
REG_ICASE flag when necessary.


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