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Re: Questions about SDS Target

>>>>> "Benoit" == Benoit MILLOT <> writes:
Benoit> I have a ppc target with probe and using SDS on UDP or TCP.  I
Benoit> want to know if it s possible to work with gdb and ddd (on tcp
Benoit> or udp)

I don't know what if any differences there are in SDS/pROBE+ protocol
when it is running over a network connection.  If it is the same, and
it can be made to operate over a TCP connection, you might be able to
connect with `target sds <host>:<port>'.

I searched the SDS, ISI, and WindRiver web sites for a pROBE+ protocol
specification without luck.  In fact, I could not find any technical
info on pROBE+ at all.  Todd, is there anything I'm missing?

Benoit> So i can try with my own stub?
Benoit> where can i found a stub on ppc using net connection, (i have already a
Benoit> ppc stub for serial line)! Has someone got an example of net stub for
Benoit> any target?

While there aren't any ppc sample stubs distributed with GDB, it's not
difficult to come up with one from those provided.  The "hard work" is
all in your exception handler, and that's likely to be customized to
your target environment.

The stub's I/O requirements are very minimal --- just functions to get
and put characters.  Interfacing this with your network stack is going
to be target specific.  As I want things to be as simple as possible, 
I usually do simple serial i/o and use a terminal server to provide 
network access.


J.T. Conklin
RedBack Networks

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