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patch mailing list (was: Re: 2 pascal language patches inserted in database)

    Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 15:44:13 +0100
    From: Pierre Muller <>

      I submitted two patches for pascal extension in the database!

      I am subscribed to gdb-patches and I think that this should be enough to
    gt also 
    all mails generated by the gdb patch database, but I saw a
    subcribe link! Why is this distinct ?

I agree wholeheartedly.

I am also surprised that when the database went live that all
maintainers weren't automatically subscribed to the relevant mailing

If you had not sent this message I wouldn't have known that the pascal
patches were there.  I will try to look at this today, but I doubt
I'll have time.  I'm on vacation all next week (and not net accessible).

There also doesn't appear to be a link to the patch database from the
gdb page.

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