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Re: gdbserver and multithreaded programs

Ankur Sheth wrote:
We tried out today's cvs on a simple remote multithreaded program on
x86, ppc405 and sh4.
Results :
x86 - worked fine.
ppc405 - worked on single threaded program, but on multithreaded
program output zillions of Ignoring packet error, continuing...
Ignoring packet error, continuing...
as soon as we tried to step thru main.

sh4 - worked fine on single threaded program, but on
multithreaded program it output the following message.
Program received signal SIG32, Real-time event 32.
I should mention we are running Linux 2.4.16 or so,
using gcc3.0.2 (gcc2.9.7 from Montavista had same problem on sh4),
and we configured once for target powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu
and in a different copy of the tree for sh-unknown-linux-gnu.

Thanks very much to Daniel J. and Montavista for contributing
these patches.  We're really looking forward to using them.

- Dan

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