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Re: Questions about gdb and gettext

I spent a little time today looking at add_show_from_set.  One idea I
had was to make a new `add_set_and_show' function which would work
something like this:

    add_set_and_show (char *name, enum command_class class,
                      var_types var_type, void *var,
                      char *first_setline, char *first_showline,
                      char *rest_of_docs, struct cmd_list_element **list)

The idea here is to factor out the first sentence into separate `show'
and `set' sentences, and then keep the rest of the help text the same.

Look at add_setshow_boolean_cmd(). The general direction is for the generic commands to go away being replaced by more specific, stronger typed, and i18n frendly commands.


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