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xml input/output dejagnu-1.4.3 possible patch

I am still having problems with the calc example from 1.4.3.
but I copied the example from 1.4.2, and I was able to test my
runtest.exp, and lib/framework.exp
I have include what 'runtest -x' produces for  the calc example. I will
submit the patch for this output once someone has fixed
example/calc...or I have fixed it, and done some more testing.

GDB folks - if you have any comments or suggestions for me to add more
to the xml output please let me know( look at the attached calc.xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE testsuite [
<!-- testsuite.dtd -->
<!ELEMENT testsuite (test | summary)+>
<!ELEMENT test (input, output, result, name, prms_id )>
  <!ELEMENT input              (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT output             (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT result             (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT name               (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT prms_id            (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT summary 	(result, description, total)>
  <!ELEMENT description        (#PCDATA)>
  <!ELEMENT total              (#PCDATA)>
    <output>Version: 1.1</output>
    <input>add 3 4</input>
    <input>add 1 2 3</input>
    <output>Usage: add #1 #2</output>
    <input>multiply 3 4</input>
    <input>multiply 2 4</input>
    <name>multiply2 (bad match)</name>
    <input>multiply 1 2 3</input>
    <output>Usage: multiply #1 #2</output>
    <description># of expected passes</description>
    <description># of unexpected failures</description>

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