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Re: core while attached

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 07:51:47AM +0400, Joel Brobecker wrote:
> > Anyway, the application runs in the background and is a server to about
> > 25 clients concurrently.  It takes a few hours for the app to sigsegv.
> > Now, it never dumped a core for some reason, so i just attach gdb to the
> > process and continue and wait for the error to rear its head.
> Maybe your server is larger than a certain size and that past this size
> the system elects not to dump a core file. I don't know on which system
> you are running, but you can usually raise the limit by using utilities
> like "ulimit", for instance "ulimit -c 100000" or somesuch.
> -- 
> Joel
That sounds good.  In fact that sounds great...  I believe you can use
ulimit -c unlimited...  My only question (if anyone knows off hand), is
how to apply the ulimit setting to an application that is started via a
sticky bit...  Who's ulimit is actually used?  The user or the sticky
bit?  And if its the sticky bit, how do i check / modify it?


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