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Re: gdb, c++ & namespaces

Michael Elizabeth Chastain wrote:

eli> The manual doesn't mention "static type" and "dynamic type" in the
eli> section that describes "set pruint".  I think it should, if this
eli> terminology is to be widely accepted.

I don't know what the popular usage in the C++ community is.
I don't want to invent new phrases if there are existing phrases.

I checked "The C++ Programming Language" and it does not have
any nice phrases to distinguish "the type that the pointer says"
versus "the type that the object in memory has".

Michael C

I believe "static type" and "dynamic type" are the correct phrases to use. They correspond nicely to C++'s static_cast and dynamic_cast operators. They also match Stroustrup's discussion in section 24.2.3 of "The C++ Programming Language" (3rd edition). He refers to the runtime types as the dynamic type, and type known at compile time as the static type.

Robert Zeh

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