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Re: Does current GDB work correctly woth gcc 3.3 (3.4)?


> I already asked this several times before, but I got no answer:
> Does the upcoming gcc work correctly with gcc 3.x gereated executables
> or does the "ignore breakpoints in constructor" bug still exist.

A more polite question would work . I tried out your stuff with g++
version 3.2 as well as cvs head for today using gdb cvs head also.
Attached are the session logs. It works for me over here.It would be
better if you could do something like this.

> If yes, when it´s estimated to be fixed?

me thinks it is already fixed. Maybe I am using a wrong test case but one
would not know. . A proper test case would definitely help. So maybe you
can send a better test case and hope for a reply.

> I think all linux developers need this to work with gdb reliabely!
All C++ developers need this to work with gdb reliably would be a better
way of putting things.

> regards
> Michael


Ramana Radhakrishnan
Codito Technologies

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