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Re: [MI] -file-list-exec-source-files

> On Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 10:33:29AM -0500, Bob Rossi wrote:
> > Here is the problem I am trying to solve.
> > 
> > Any front end needs to know the absolute path to the source files. From
> > what I can see, there are several ways of finding the absolute path.
> > In some cases, all of this info is needed.
> > So, basically, I am making an assumption, if GDB can not find the
> > absolute path to the source file, the front end can not. Is this true?

Not entirely.  For example, Eclipse/CDT implements a mapping.
That allow folks to "map" paths to a different value.

> > Also, why should the front ends do it, if it can be done correctly in
> > one place?

The source lookup is not done by gdb, when the editor comes highlighting
the line,  The IDE has a list of paths it has to search.
It is/was not that important to set gdb's directory sources.

> Then why are you trying to return symtab->dirname at all?  Or have I
> misinterpreted you, and you were returning symtab->fullname?  I don't
> think symtab->dirname should be exposed in this interface.
> > As far as I know, most existing front ends use annotate level 1-2-3 to
> > figure out where the source file is. I just want to simplify this
> > process, so that front ends can easily get the absolute path to the
> > source file without having to run multiple commands, like the CLI.
> This sounds like the front end is only ever interested in one source
> file at a time, so that would be a more efficient design than asking
> GDB to provide fullnames for every source file at once.

Agreed, we have folks using the CDT having > 10 000 files, source lookup
is a pain.  Having the fullPath is a definitive plus, even if we do
processing like respecting the paths order and mapping.

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