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gdb remote intel host powerpc target no breakpoints


I have built a host gdb for intel and a target gdbserver for powerpc. I can't get breakpoints to work. When I set debug remote 1, I see the "Z0" message being sent from the host, and the client responds with an empty packet. The host decides that "Packet Z0 (software-breakpoint) is NOT supported". A quick look at the code in gdbserver, and voila! There is no code for handling the "draft" "Z" messages used to set and clear break/watch points, etc. The host and client ARE talking, so there's at least that much to celebrate.

On the host side I see some interesting code in gdb/remote.c under #ifdef DEPRECATED_REMOTE_BREAKPOINT that looks like it COULD do something more reasonable (how do I turn this on in the build?)

Unless I'm missing something fundamental (quite likely) one of the following must be true:

1. There is no breakpoint support in gdbserver to match the "draft" Z packet standard.
2. There is no support on the host side to adapt to "deprecated" breakpoint methods to allow gdbserver compatibility.
3. There is support on the host side and I just don't know how to find it or build for it.

I'm hoping #3 is correct, and someone out there can tell me the magic for building gdb properly for my situation. Otherwise, anyone with remote gdb working cross-platform, please advise! Any clues would be greatly appreciated! Suppliers of useful information in the Eastern Mass. area get a free beer!


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