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Re: better name for var_integer

>  /* Unsigned Integer.  *VAR is an unsigned int.  The user can type 0
>     to mean "unlimited", which is stored in *VAR as UINT_MAX.  */
>  var_uinteger,

Ada calls such numbers "Positive". var_positive might be a good name.

>  /* Like var_uinteger but signed.  *VAR is an int.  The user can type 0
>     to mean "unlimited", which is stored in *VAR as INT_MAX.  */
>  var_integer,

I can't see any use for this semantics, but maybe it's due to my limited
experience. I looked at the current code, and most if not all of them
where just misuses of this kind. Some of them are really booleans (so I
suspect var_zinteger would be better), or postive numbers (so
var_positive would be better).

I not useful, I would consider just removing it.

>  /* ZeroableInteger.  *VAR is an int.  Like Unsigned Integer except
>     that zero really means zero.  */
>  var_zinteger,

var_integer? (assuming we get rid of the non-zero signed integer)


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