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Re: Breakpoint limit reached

Hi Shaun

Does this happens immediately?
The BDI supports 32 software breakpoints.
Please log the complete debug session so we see how many
Z0 packets are sent.
Is it possible that breakpoints are set but not removed?
A breakpoint is removed with the z0 packet that matches
the Z0 packet in address and length.
Show me such a Z0 / z0 pair.
>From your log, I see that you set a Thumb breakpoint because
length is 2. Do the z0 packets also have a length of 2?

The BDI supports also the Z1 packet for hbreak.
What is the BDI firmware version you work with?


> Hello,

> I'm debugging an ARM7TDMI with the BDI2000 and arm-elf-gdb 6.3. I have
> one breakpoint set, and when I try to step over a function call using
> the gdb "next" command, setting the breakpoint fails:
> # TARGET: breakpoint limit reached

> GDB displays this error message:
> Cannot insert breakpoint 0.
> Error accessing memory address 0x20008f0: Unknown error 4294967295.

> I have soft breakpoints enabled on the BDI (BREAKMODE SOFT 0xDFFFDFFF)
> and I'm setting soft breakpoints using gdb. I don't understand why
> there would be a limit on the number of breakpoints.

> If I 'set debug remote 1' then the final two packets displayed by gdb are...
> Sending packet: $m20008f0,4#5d...Ack
> Packet received: 021c3b1c
> Sending packet: $Z0,20008f0,2#a4...Ack
> Packet received: E03

> Why did the soft breakpoint, Z0, command fail? What does the error
> code E03 mean? Does the BDI2000 differentiate between the soft
> breakpoint "break" command Z0 packet, and the hard breakpoint "hbreak"
> command Z1 packet?

> Thanks,
> Shaun Jackman
> Pathway Connectivity

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