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Re: invoking GDB from FE and signals

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 04:20:42PM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 04:10:06PM -0400, Bob Rossi wrote:
> > OK, here's the problem. There are 2 case's, using a PTY or not.
> > 
> > I am currently not using a PTY. So, I send the signal via kill. Is this
> > correct or incorrect?
> I have no idea how to get this right for the pipe case.  Maybe someone
> else does.

Yeah, it appears both emacs and CGDB get this wrong for the pipe case,
as they both loose GDB when ^c is typed. I wonder if this is a bug or
simply impossible ...

> > If I use a PTY, which I'm going to have to reimplement. I'll except
> > signals like SIGINT, cause I'll forward them with 'write' to the PTY
> > between GDB and CGDB. 
> I don't think "write" will do it; you need something more complicated.
> Maybe I'm wrong and writing the interrupt character will do it.

I desire that CGDB works exactly the same as if the user was at the
terminal with GDB. So, ^c probably is what I want, since it's what 
the user would have to do anyways. Does this sound correct to you?

Bob Rossi

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