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internal error: pc 0x0 in read in psymtab, but not in symtab


I try to debug a program on a remote ARM target. I use the openOCD and the
arm-elf-gdb (GNUARM) or the arm-none-eabi-gdb (SOURCERY). I have got an error message:

internal error: pc 0x0 in read in psymtab, but not in symtab

I have got is a lot of times... If I can reach somehow the main then it is working, but if I like to use the arm-elf-insight then these messages come in windows and I have to click on the ok button and I cant reach the main.
How can I avoid this?
Thank you!

Oh, and I think there is something wrong with the .data section...please check the corresponding part of the main.dmp file. /the size of that is not ok I think.../
Thank You very much!!!


******************************************************************************* This is the output of the compile process: *******************************************************************************

make -k all
arm-elf-as -march=armv4t -mcpu=arm7tdmi --gdwarf2 -EL -ahls -mapcs-32 crt.s -o crt.o > crt.lst
arm-elf-gcc -march=armv4t -mcpu=arm7tdmi -g -gdwarf-2 -LE -c -O0 -o main.o main.c
arm-elf-gcc -march=armv4t -mcpu=arm7tdmi -g -gdwarf-2 -LE -S -O0 -o main.s main.c
arm-elf-ld -T linker_script -Map crt.o main.o -o main.elf
arm-elf-objcopy -O binary main.elf main.bin
arm-elf-objdump -h -t -s -d main.elf > main.dmp

**************************************************************************** My startup code: **************************************************************************** .text .arm

.equ usr_mode,                0x000000D0
.equ fiq_mode,                0x000000D1
.equ irq_mode,                0x000000D2
.equ superv_mode,             0x000000D3
.equ abort_mode,              0x000000D7
.equ und_mode,                0x000000DB
.equ sys_mode,                0x000000DF

.equ usr_stack_size ,          0x000000ff
.equ fiq_stack_size ,          0x0000000f
.equ irq_stack_size ,          0x0000000f
.equ superv_stack_size ,       0x0000000f
.equ abort_stack_size  ,       0x0000000f
.equ und_stack_size    ,       0x0000000f
.equ sys_stack_size    ,       0x00000000

_startup: .global _startup

    LDR PC, reset_addr
    LDR PC, reset_addr
    LDR PC, reset_addr
    LDR PC, reset_addr
    LDR PC, reset_addr
    LDR PC, reset_addr
    LDR PC, reset_addr

reset_addr: .word reset_handler

reset_handler: .global reset_handler LDR R0, =_etext /*copy .data section */ LDR R1, =_end_data LDR R2, =_start_data copy_data: LDR R3, [R0] ADD R0, R0,#0x04 STR R3, [R2] ADD R2, R2,#0x04 CMP R1,R2 BHI copy_data

LDR R0, =_start_bss /* fill bss section with zero-s*/ LDR R1, =_end_bss EOR R3,R3,R3 bss_init: STR R3, [R0] ADD R0, R0, #0x04 CMP R1, R0 BHI bss_init

/* set up the stacks */

    LDR R0, =0x002FFFFF
    MOV R13, R0
    SUB R0, R0, #superv_stack_size

    MSR CPSR_c, #fiq_mode
    MOV R13, R0
    SUB R0, R0, #fiq_satck_size

    MSR CPSR_c, #irq_mode
    MOV R13, R0
    SUB R0, R0, #irq_satck_size

MSR CPSR_c, #abort_mode MOV R13, R0 SUB R0, R0, #abort_satck_size

MSR CPSR_c, #und_mode MOV R13, R0 SUB R0, R0, #und_satck_size

MSR CPSR_c, #usr_mode MOV R13, R0

/* jump to main */

B main

the rubish C code:
main () {
int a=2;
int b=5;
int i=13;
int alma=43;
int akarmi=56;
int y,x,c,v,m,n;
while (1) {



the linker script:

stack_start = 0x00200000;


   flash     : ORIGIN = 0x0       , LENGTH = 256K
   freeRAM   : ORIGIN = 0x00200000, LENGTH = 64K - 0x14A


   . = 0;
   .text : {
             _etext = .;

} >flash

   .data : {
             _start_data = . ;
             _end_data = . ;

} >freeRAM AT>flash

   .bss  : {
             _start_bss = . ;

} >freeRAM . = ALIGN(4); _end_bss = . ; }

the make file:

C_SOURCES = main.c
OBJECTS   = main.o

#CC = arm-none-eabi-gcc
#AS = arm-none-eabi-as
#LD = arm-none-eabi-ld
#CP = arm-none-eabi-objcopy
#OD = arm-none-eabi-objdump

CC = arm-elf-gcc
AS = arm-elf-as
LD = arm-elf-ld
CP = arm-elf-objcopy
OD = arm-elf-objdump

CC_FLAGS = -march=armv4t -mcpu=arm7tdmi -g -gdwarf-2 -LE -c -O$(OPTLEVEL) -o main.o
CC_FLAGS_S = -march=armv4t -mcpu=arm7tdmi -g -gdwarf-2 -LE -S -O$(OPTLEVEL) -o main.s

AS_FLAGS = -march=armv4t -mcpu=arm7tdmi --gdwarf2 -EL -ahls -mapcs-32
LD_FLAGS = -T linker_script -Map
CP_FLAGS = -O binary
OD_FLAGS = -h -t -s -d

CRT_FILE = crt.s

.SUFFIXES: .c .o

	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $+
	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS_S) $+

clean: -rm $(OBJECTS) crt.o crt.lst main.dmp main.bin all: test

test: main.elf
	@ echo "...copying"
	@ echo "...dumping"
	$(CP) $(CP_FLAGS) main.elf main.bin
	$(OD) $(OD_FLAGS) main.elf > main.dmp

main.elf: crt.o $(OBJECTS) @ echo "...linking" $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) crt.o $(OBJECTS) -o main.elf

crt.o: $(CRT_FILE)
	@ echo "...assembling"
	$(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) $(CRT_FILE) -o crt.o > crt.lst

****************************************************************************** main.dmp ******************************************************************************

main.elf: file format elf32-littlearm

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .text         0000014c  00000000  00000000  00008000  2**2
  1 .data         00000004  00200000  0000014c  00010000  2**0
                  CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA
  2 .bss          00000000  00200004  00000150  00010004  2**0
  3 .debug_line   00000095  00000000  00000000  00010004  2**0
  4 .debug_info   0000014e  00000000  00000000  00010099  2**0
  5 .debug_abbrev 00000059  00000000  00000000  000101e7  2**0
  6 .debug_aranges 00000040  00000000  00000000  00010240  2**3
  7 .debug_frame  00000030  00000000  00000000  00010280  2**2
  8 .debug_pubnames 0000001b  00000000  00000000  000102b0  2**0
  9 .comment      00000012  00000000  00000000  000102cb  2**0
                  CONTENTS, READONLY
00000000 l    d  .text	00000000
00200000 l    d  .data	00000000
00200004 l    d  .bss	00000000
00000000 l    d  .debug_line	00000000
00000000 l    d  .debug_info	00000000
00000000 l    d  .debug_abbrev	00000000
00000000 l    d  .debug_aranges	00000000
00000000 l    d  .debug_frame	00000000
00000000 l    d  .debug_pubnames	00000000
00000000 l    d  .comment	00000000
00000000 l    d  *ABS*	00000000
00000000 l    d  *ABS*	00000000
00000000 l    d  *ABS*	00000000
00000000 l     F .text	00000000 $a
000000d0 l       *ABS*	00000000 usr_mode
000000d1 l       *ABS*	00000000 fiq_mode
000000d2 l       *ABS*	00000000 irq_mode
000000d3 l       *ABS*	00000000 superv_mode
000000d7 l       *ABS*	00000000 abort_mode
000000db l       *ABS*	00000000 und_mode
000000df l       *ABS*	00000000 sys_mode
000000ff l       *ABS*	00000000 usr_stack_size
0000000f l       *ABS*	00000000 fiq_stack_size
0000000f l       *ABS*	00000000 irq_stack_size
0000000f l       *ABS*	00000000 superv_stack_size
0000000f l       *ABS*	00000000 abort_stack_size
0000000f l       *ABS*	00000000 und_stack_size
00000000 l       *ABS*	00000000 sys_stack_size
00000020 l       .text	00000000 reset_addr
00000020 l     O .text	00000000 $d
00000024 l     F .text	00000000 $a
00000030 l       .text	00000000 copy_data
00000054 l       .text	00000000 bss_init
000000ac l     O .text	00000000 $d
00000000 l    df *ABS*	00000000 main.c
000000c4 l     F .text	00000000 $a
00000024 g       .text	00000000 reset_handler
00000000         *UND*	00000000 irq_satck_size
00200000 g       .data	00000000 _start_data
00000000         *UND*	00000000 abort_satck_size
0000014c g       .text	00000000 _etext
00200004 g       .data	00000000 _end_data
00000000 g       .text	00000000 _startup
00000000         *UND*	00000000 fiq_satck_size
00200000 g       *ABS*	00000000 stack_start
000000c4 g     F .text	00000084 main
00000000         *UND*	00000000 und_satck_size
00200004 g       *ABS*	00000000 _end_bss
00200004 g       .bss	00000000 _start_bss

Contents of section .text: 0000 18f09fe5 14f09fe5 10f09fe5 0cf09fe5 ................ 0010 08f09fe5 0000a0e1 00f09fe5 04f01fe5 ................ 0020 24000000 80009fe5 80109fe5 80209fe5 $............ .. 0030 003090e5 040080e2 003082e5 042082e2 .0.......0... .. 0040 020051e1 f9ffff8a 68009fe5 68109fe5 ..Q.....h...h... 0050 033023e0 003080e5 040080e2 000051e1 .0#..0........Q. 0060 fbffff8a 54009fe5 00d0a0e1 0f0040e2 ....T.........@. 0070 d1f021e3 00d0a0e1 000040e2 d2f021e3 ..!.......@...!. 0080 00d0a0e1 000040e2 d7f021e3 00d0a0e1 ......@...!..... 0090 000040e2 dbf021e3 00d0a0e1 000040e2 ..@...!.......@. 00a0 d0f021e3 00d0a0e1 050000ea 4c010000 ..!.........L... 00b0 04002000 00002000 04002000 04002000 .. ... ... ... . 00c0 ffff2f00 0dc0a0e1 00d82de9 04b04ce2 ../.......-...L. 00d0 2cd04de2 0230a0e3 10300be5 0530a0e3 ,.M..0...0...0.. 00e0 14300be5 14201be5 10301be5 033082e0 .0... ...0...0.. 00f0 14300be5 0d30a0e3 18300be5 2b30a0e3 .0...0...0..+0.. 0100 1c300be5 3830a0e3 20300be5 10301be5 .0..80.. 0...0.. 0110 013083e2 10300be5 14201be5 10301be5 .0...0... ...0.. 0120 033082e0 14300be5 14301be5 38300be5 .0...0...0..80.. 0130 34300be5 30300be5 2c300be5 28300be5 40..00..,0..(0.. 0140 24300be5 f0ffffea 00000000 $0.......... Contents of section .data: 200000 00000000 .... Contents of section .debug_line: 0000 57000000 02001900 00000201 fb0e0a00 W............... 0010 01010101 00000001 00637274 2e730000 .........crt.s.. 0020 00000000 05020000 00000317 012c2c2c .............,,, 0030 2c2c2c2c 4e2c2c2d 2c2c2c2c 2c2e2c2c ,,,,N,,-,,,,,.,, 0040 2d2c2c2c 2d2c2c2d 2c2c2d2c 2c2e2c2c -,,,-,,-,,-,,.,, 0050 2e2c2c2e 2c2f020e 00010136 00000002 .,,.,/.....6.... 0060 001a0000 000201fb 0e0a0001 01010100 ................ 0070 00000100 6d61696e 2e630000 00000000 ....main.c...... 0080 0502c400 00000f80 48488048 484a6480 ........HH.HHJd. 0090 02100001 01 ..... Contents of section .debug_info: 0000 4b000000 02000000 00000401 00000000 K............... 0010 00000000 c4000000 6372742e 73002f72 ........crt.s./r 0020 6f6f742f 534f5552 43455259 2f776f72 oot/SOURCERY/wor 0030 6b737061 63652f41 524d5f66 69727374 kspace/ARM_first 0040 00474e55 20415320 322e3135 000180fb .GNU AS 2.15.... 0050 00000002 00140000 0004015b 00000048 ...........[...H 0060 010000c4 00000047 4e552043 20332e34 .......GNU C 3.4 0070 2e330001 6d61696e 2e63002f 726f6f74 .3..main.c./root 0080 2f534f55 52434552 592f776f 726b7370 /SOURCERY/worksp 0090 6163652f 41524d5f 66697273 740002f7 ace/ARM_first... 00a0 00000001 6d61696e 000101f7 000000c4 ....main........ 00b0 00000048 01000001 5b036100 0102f700 ...H....[.a..... 00c0 00000291 70036200 0103f700 00000291 ....p.b......... 00d0 6c036900 0105f700 00000291 6803616c 00e0 6d610001 06f70000 00029164 03616b61 ma.........d.aka 00f0 726d6900 0107f700 00000291 60037900 rmi.........`.y. 0100 0108f700 00000291 5c037800 0108f700 ........\.x..... 0110 00000291 58036300 0108f700 00000291 ....X.c......... 0120 54037600 0108f700 00000291 50036d00 T.v.........P.m. 0130 0108f700 00000291 4c036e00 0108f700 ........L.n..... 0140 00000291 48000469 6e740004 0500 Contents of section .debug_abbrev: 0000 01110010 06110112 0103081b 08250813 .............%.. 0010 05000000 01110110 06120111 01250813 .............%.. 0020 0b03081b 08000002 2e010113 3f0c0308 ............?... 0030 3a0b3b0b 49131101 1201400a 00000334 :.;.I.....@....4 0040 0003083a 0b3b0b49 13020a00 00042400 ...:.;.I......$. 0050 03080b0b 3e0b0000 00 ....>.... Contents of section .debug_aranges: 0000 1c000000 02000000 00000400 00000000 ................ 0010 00000000 c4000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 0020 1c000000 02004f00 00000400 00000000 ......O......... 0030 c4000000 84000000 00000000 00000000 ................ Contents of section .debug_frame: 0000 0c000000 ffffffff 0100017c 0e0c0d00 ...........|.... 0010 1c000000 00000000 c4000000 84000000 ................ 0020 440d0c44 8e028d03 8b04440c 0b040000 D..D......D..... Contents of section .debug_pubnames: 0000 17000000 02004f00 0000ff00 00004f00 ......O.......O. 0010 00006d61 696e0000 000000 ..main..... Contents of section .comment: 0000 00474343 3a202847 4e552920 332e342e .GCC: (GNU) 3.4. 0010 3300 3. Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_startup>:
   0:	e59ff018 	ldr	pc, [pc, #24]	; 20 <reset_addr>
   4:	e59ff014 	ldr	pc, [pc, #20]	; 20 <reset_addr>
   8:	e59ff010 	ldr	pc, [pc, #16]	; 20 <reset_addr>
   c:	e59ff00c 	ldr	pc, [pc, #12]	; 20 <reset_addr>
  10:	e59ff008 	ldr	pc, [pc, #8]	; 20 <reset_addr>
  14:	e1a00000 	nop			(mov r0,r0)
  18:	e59ff000 	ldr	pc, [pc, #0]	; 20 <reset_addr>
  1c:	e51ff004 	ldr	pc, [pc, #-4]	; 20 <reset_addr>

00000020 <reset_addr>:
  20:	00000024 	andeq	r0, r0, r4, lsr #32

00000024 <reset_handler>:
  24:	e59f0080 	ldr	r0, [pc, #128]	; ac <.text+0xac>
  28:	e59f1080 	ldr	r1, [pc, #128]	; b0 <.text+0xb0>
  2c:	e59f2080 	ldr	r2, [pc, #128]	; b4 <.text+0xb4>

00000030 <copy_data>:
  30:	e5903000 	ldr	r3, [r0]
  34:	e2800004 	add	r0, r0, #4	; 0x4
  38:	e5823000 	str	r3, [r2]
  3c:	e2822004 	add	r2, r2, #4	; 0x4
  40:	e1510002 	cmp	r1, r2
  44:	8afffff9 	bhi	30 <copy_data>
  48:	e59f0068 	ldr	r0, [pc, #104]	; b8 <.text+0xb8>
  4c:	e59f1068 	ldr	r1, [pc, #104]	; bc <.text+0xbc>
  50:	e0233003 	eor	r3, r3, r3

00000054 <bss_init>:
  54:	e5803000 	str	r3, [r0]
  58:	e2800004 	add	r0, r0, #4	; 0x4
  5c:	e1510000 	cmp	r1, r0
  60:	8afffffb 	bhi	54 <bss_init>
  64:	e59f0054 	ldr	r0, [pc, #84]	; c0 <.text+0xc0>
  68:	e1a0d000 	mov	sp, r0
  6c:	e240000f 	sub	r0, r0, #15	; 0xf
  70:	e321f0d1 	msr	CPSR_c, #209	; 0xd1
  74:	e1a0d000 	mov	sp, r0
  78:	e2400000 	sub	r0, r0, #0	; 0x0
  7c:	e321f0d2 	msr	CPSR_c, #210	; 0xd2
  80:	e1a0d000 	mov	sp, r0
  84:	e2400000 	sub	r0, r0, #0	; 0x0
  88:	e321f0d7 	msr	CPSR_c, #215	; 0xd7
  8c:	e1a0d000 	mov	sp, r0
  90:	e2400000 	sub	r0, r0, #0	; 0x0
  94:	e321f0db 	msr	CPSR_c, #219	; 0xdb
  98:	e1a0d000 	mov	sp, r0
  9c:	e2400000 	sub	r0, r0, #0	; 0x0
  a0:	e321f0d0 	msr	CPSR_c, #208	; 0xd0
  a4:	e1a0d000 	mov	sp, r0
  a8:	ea000005 	b	c4 <main>
  ac:	0000014c 	andeq	r0, r0, ip, asr #2
  b0:	00200004 	eoreq	r0, r0, r4
  b4:	00200000 	eoreq	r0, r0, r0
  b8:	00200004 	eoreq	r0, r0, r4
  bc:	00200004 	eoreq	r0, r0, r4
  c0:	002fffff 	streqd	pc, [pc], -pc

000000c4 <main>:
  c4:	e1a0c00d 	mov	ip, sp
  c8:	e92dd800 	stmdb	sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}
  cc:	e24cb004 	sub	fp, ip, #4	; 0x4
  d0:	e24dd02c 	sub	sp, sp, #44	; 0x2c
  d4:	e3a03002 	mov	r3, #2	; 0x2
  d8:	e50b3010 	str	r3, [fp, #-16]
  dc:	e3a03005 	mov	r3, #5	; 0x5
  e0:	e50b3014 	str	r3, [fp, #-20]
  e4:	e51b2014 	ldr	r2, [fp, #-20]
  e8:	e51b3010 	ldr	r3, [fp, #-16]
  ec:	e0823003 	add	r3, r2, r3
  f0:	e50b3014 	str	r3, [fp, #-20]
  f4:	e3a0300d 	mov	r3, #13	; 0xd
  f8:	e50b3018 	str	r3, [fp, #-24]
  fc:	e3a0302b 	mov	r3, #43	; 0x2b
 100:	e50b301c 	str	r3, [fp, #-28]
 104:	e3a03038 	mov	r3, #56	; 0x38
 108:	e50b3020 	str	r3, [fp, #-32]
 10c:	e51b3010 	ldr	r3, [fp, #-16]
 110:	e2833001 	add	r3, r3, #1	; 0x1
 114:	e50b3010 	str	r3, [fp, #-16]
 118:	e51b2014 	ldr	r2, [fp, #-20]
 11c:	e51b3010 	ldr	r3, [fp, #-16]
 120:	e0823003 	add	r3, r2, r3
 124:	e50b3014 	str	r3, [fp, #-20]
 128:	e51b3014 	ldr	r3, [fp, #-20]
 12c:	e50b3038 	str	r3, [fp, #-56]
 130:	e50b3034 	str	r3, [fp, #-52]
 134:	e50b3030 	str	r3, [fp, #-48]
 138:	e50b302c 	str	r3, [fp, #-44]
 13c:	e50b3028 	str	r3, [fp, #-40]
 140:	e50b3024 	str	r3, [fp, #-36]
 144:	eafffff0 	b	10c <usr_stack_size+0xd>
 148:	00000000 	andeq	r0, r0, r0

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