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Wrong source location in symbols


I seem to have a problem with the code loaction of symbols.

gdb 6.5, gcc 4.1.0, compiled for ppc-eabi, running on WinXP

Here's a snippet from the generated map file:

 .text          0x0000f6f4      0x41c N:/Indel-PPC/Tests/gccext3/bin41/CTaskTemplateClass.603
                0x0000fa28                _TASK_CLASS_NAME_::_TASK_CLASS_NAME_(char*)
 .text          0x00097bfc       0x14 N:/IMD/Lib41/libnosys.a(write.o)
                0x00097bfc                write

.ctors          0x00097c10       0x98

.dtors          0x00097ca8       0x10

                0x00097cb8                PROVIDE (__STARTUP_BEGIN, .)

.startup        0x00097cb8    0x12320
 .startup       0x00097cb8       0x6c N:/Indel-PPC/Tests/gccext3/bin41/CTaskTemplateClass.603
                0x00097cb8                _INI_1000__TASK_CLASS_NAME_()

But when I dump the symbol tables I get this:

[1001] T 0xeb20 _ZN17_TASK_CLASS_NAME_6ActionEv section .text  _TASK_CLASS_NAME_::Action()  write.c
[1002] T 0xebdc _ZN17_TASK_CLASS_NAME_D0Ev section .text  _TASK_CLASS_NAME_::~_TASK_CLASS_NAME_()  write.c
[3549] B 0x98d44 Reg_INI_0101_INOS_TGT section .bss  write.c
[3550] B 0x98d50 Reg_INI_0145_INOS_TGT section .bss  write.c
[3551] B 0x98d5c Reg_INI_0205_INOS_TGT section .bss  write.c
[3552] B 0x98d68 Reg_INI_0160_INOS_TGT section .bss  write.c
[3567] T 0x99bec _Z27_INI_1000__TASK_CLASS_NAME_v section .startup  _INI_1000__TASK_CLASS_NAME_()  write.c
[3575] T 0x9a530 _Z18_INI_0002_INCO_NETv section .startup  _INI_0002_INCO_NET()  write.c
[3576] T 0x9a5fc _Z18_INI_0150_INCO_NETv section .startup  _INI_0150_INCO_NET()  write.c
[3577] T 0x9a744 _Z27_INI_0002_CSAMDeviceSioLoadv section .startup  _INI_0002_CSAMDeviceSioLoad()  write.c

No matter where they are defined, the symbols get as location the (wrong)
file write.c, so the last valid file from the .text section. I tried with both
-gstabs or -gdwarf-2, but that didn't change anything. I also tried with
forward and back slashes in the paths of the compiled files, no luck.

Where's the code in gdb that would set these locations?


bye  Fabi

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