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Copyright updates

The FSF announced, at some point in the last two years, that it was OK
to automatically add the current year to every source file in the
project if any changes were made to the project during the year.
In fact, they even recommend it.

This is very boring to do by hand.  So, after much head-smacking,
here is a script which does it for 99% of GDB.  The exceptions are

I've attached both the script and its output.  I'm not really looking
for comments on the script unless someone wants to rewrite it in LISP;
it's a modified copyright.el from Emacs CVS, plus a scary shell script.
LISP is absolutely not my strong point.

Does anyone object to the intention, the script, or the sample output? 
I've proofed it as well as I can, but the uncompressed diff is 600K.
It was definitely quicker than the time I've wasted in the past
updating copyright years by hand, even if I did waste most of this
evening getting it to work.

Daniel Jacobowitz
--- /dev/null	2007-01-02 16:56:32.718585262 -0500
+++ gdb/copyright.el	2007-01-03 19:56:53.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+;;; copyright.el --- update the copyright notice in current buffer
+;; From emacs CVS, 2006-01-03, with local changes:
+;; Replaced ?\s with "?\ " which seems to be good enough for emacs
+;; 21.4.  Made it re-fill after adding a year.
+;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003,
+;;   2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Daniel Pfeiffer <>
+;; Keywords: maint, tools
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Allows updating the copyright year and above mentioned GPL version manually
+;; or when saving a file.
+;; Do (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'copyright-update), or use
+;; M-x customize-variable RET before-save-hook RET.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup copyright nil
+  "Update the copyright notice in current buffer."
+  :group 'tools)
+(defcustom copyright-limit 2000
+  "*Don't try to update copyright beyond this position unless interactive.
+A value of nil means to search whole buffer."
+  :group 'copyright
+  :type '(choice (integer :tag "Limit")
+		 (const :tag "No limit")))
+;; The character classes have the Latin-1 version and the Latin-9
+;; version, which is probably enough.
+(defcustom copyright-regexp
+ "\\([?©?©]\\|@copyright{}\\|[Cc]opyright\\s *:?\\s *\\(?:(C)\\)?\
+\\|[Cc]opyright\\s *:?\\s *[?©?©]\\)\
+\\s *\\([1-9]\\([-0-9, ';/*%#\n\t]\\|\\s<\\|\\s>\\)*[0-9]+\\)"
+  "*What your copyright notice looks like.
+The second \\( \\) construct must match the years."
+  :group 'copyright
+  :type 'regexp)
+(defcustom copyright-years-regexp
+ "\\(\\s *\\)\\([1-9]\\([-0-9, ';/*%#\n\t]\\|\\s<\\|\\s>\\)*[0-9]+\\)"
+  "*Match additional copyright notice years.
+The second \\( \\) construct must match the years."
+  :group 'copyright
+  :type 'regexp)
+(defcustom copyright-query 'function
+  "*If non-nil, ask user before changing copyright.
+When this is `function', only ask when called non-interactively."
+  :group 'copyright
+  :type '(choice (const :tag "Do not ask")
+		 (const :tag "Ask unless interactive" function)
+		 (other :tag "Ask" t)))
+;; when modifying this, also modify the comment generated by autoinsert.el
+(defconst copyright-current-gpl-version "2"
+  "String representing the current version of the GPL or nil.")
+(defvar copyright-update t)
+;; This is a defvar rather than a defconst, because the year can
+;; change during the Emacs session.
+(defvar copyright-current-year (substring (current-time-string) -4)
+  "String representing the current year.")
+(defun copyright-update-year (replace noquery)
+  (when (re-search-forward copyright-regexp (+ (point) copyright-limit) t)
+    ;; If the years are continued onto multiple lined
+    ;; that are marked as comments, skip to the end of the years anyway.
+    (while (save-excursion
+	     (and (eq (following-char) ?,)
+		  (progn (forward-char 1) t)
+		  (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (eolp))
+		  comment-start-skip
+		  (save-match-data
+		    (forward-line 1)
+		    (and (looking-at comment-start-skip)
+			 (goto-char (match-end 0))))
+		  (save-match-data
+		    (looking-at copyright-years-regexp))))
+      (forward-line 1)
+      (re-search-forward comment-start-skip)
+      (re-search-forward copyright-years-regexp))
+    ;; Note that `current-time-string' isn't locale-sensitive.
+    (setq copyright-current-year (substring (current-time-string) -4))
+    (unless (string= (buffer-substring (- (match-end 2) 2) (match-end 2))
+		     (substring copyright-current-year -2))
+      (if (or noquery
+	      (y-or-n-p (if replace
+			    (concat "Replace copyright year(s) by "
+				    copyright-current-year "? ")
+			  (concat "Add " copyright-current-year
+				  " to copyright? "))))
+	  (if replace
+	      (replace-match copyright-current-year t t nil 2)
+	    (let ((size (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "0-9"))))
+	      (if (and (eq (% (- (string-to-number copyright-current-year)
+				 (string-to-number (buffer-substring
+						    (+ (point) size)
+						    (point))))
+			      100)
+			   1)
+		       (or (eq (char-after (+ (point) size -1)) ?-)
+			   (eq (char-after (+ (point) size -2)) ?-)))
+		  ;; This is a range so just replace the end part.
+		  (delete-char size)
+		;; Insert a comma with the preferred number of spaces.
+		(insert
+		 (save-excursion
+		   (if (re-search-backward "[0-9]\\( *, *\\)[0-9]"
+					   (line-beginning-position) t)
+		       (match-string 1)
+		     ", ")))
+		;; If people use the '91 '92 '93 scheme, do that as well.
+		(if (eq (char-after (+ (point) size -3)) ?')
+		    (insert ?')))
+	      ;; Finally insert the new year.
+	      (insert (substring copyright-current-year size))
+	      ;; drow local
+	      (let ((par-end (save-excursion (end-of-paragraph-text) (point))))
+		(let ((inc-end (save-excursion
+				 (re-search-forward "Inc\." par-end t))))
+		  (let ((limit (if inc-end inc-end par-end)))
+		    (fill-region-as-paragraph (line-beginning-position) limit))))
+	      ))))))
+(defun copyright-update (&optional arg interactivep)
+  "Update copyright notice at beginning of buffer to indicate the current year.
+With prefix ARG, replace the years in the notice rather than adding
+the current year after them.  If necessary, and
+`copyright-current-gpl-version' is set, any copying permissions
+following the copyright are updated as well.
+If non-nil, INTERACTIVEP tells the function to behave as when it's called
+  (interactive "*P\nd")
+  (when (or copyright-update interactivep)
+    (let ((noquery (or (not copyright-query)
+		       (and (eq copyright-query 'function) interactivep))))
+      (save-excursion
+	(save-restriction
+	  (widen)
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (copyright-update-year arg noquery)
+	  (goto-char (point-min))
+	  (and copyright-current-gpl-version
+	       ;; match the GPL version comment in .el files, including the
+	       ;; bilingual Esperanto one in two-column, and in texinfo.tex
+	       (re-search-forward "\\(the Free Software Foundation;\
+ either \\|; a\\^u eldono \\([0-9]+\\)a, ? a\\^u (la\\^u via	 \\)\
+version \\([0-9]+\\), or (at"
+				  (+ (point) copyright-limit) t)
+	       (not (string= (match-string 3) copyright-current-gpl-version))
+	       (or noquery
+		   (y-or-n-p (concat "Replace GPL version by "
+				     copyright-current-gpl-version "? ")))
+	       (progn
+		 (if (match-end 2)
+		     ;; Esperanto bilingual comment in two-column.el
+		     (replace-match copyright-current-gpl-version t t nil 2))
+		 (replace-match copyright-current-gpl-version t t nil 3))))
+	(set (make-local-variable 'copyright-update) nil)))
+    ;; If a write-file-hook returns non-nil, the file is presumed to be written.
+    nil))
+(defun copyright-fix-years ()
+  "Convert 2 digit years to 4 digit years.
+Uses heuristic: year >= 50 means 19xx, < 50 means 20xx."
+  (interactive)
+  (widen)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+  (if (re-search-forward copyright-regexp (+ (point) copyright-limit) t)
+      (let ((s (match-beginning 2))
+	    (e (copy-marker (1+ (match-end 2))))
+	    (p (make-marker))
+	    last)
+	(goto-char s)
+	(while (re-search-forward "[0-9]+" e t)
+	  (set-marker p (point))
+	  (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+	  (let ((sep (char-before))
+		(year (string-to-number (match-string 0))))
+	    (when (and sep
+		       (/= (char-syntax sep) ?\ )
+		       (/= sep ?-))
+	      (insert " "))
+	    (when (< year 100)
+	      (insert (if (>= year 50) "19" "20"))))
+	  (goto-char p)
+	  (setq last p))
+	(when last
+	  (goto-char last)
+	  ;; Don't mess up whitespace after the years.
+	  (skip-chars-backward " \t")
+	  (save-restriction
+	    (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point))
+	    (let ((fill-prefix "     "))
+	      (fill-region s last))))
+	(set-marker e nil)
+	(set-marker p nil)
+	(copyright-update nil t))
+    (message "No copyright message")))
+(define-skeleton copyright
+  "Insert a copyright by $ORGANIZATION notice at cursor."
+  "Company: "
+  comment-start
+  "Copyright (C) " `(substring (current-time-string) -4) " by "
+  (or (getenv "ORGANIZATION")
+      str)
+  '(if (> (point) (+ (point-min) copyright-limit))
+       (message "Copyright extends beyond `copyright-limit' and won't be updated automatically."))
+  comment-end \n)
+(provide 'copyright)
+;; For the copyright sign:
+;; Local Variables:
+;; coding: emacs-mule
+;; End:
+;;; arch-tag: b4991afb-b6b1-4590-bebe-e076d9d4aee8
+;;; copyright.el ends here
--- /dev/null	2007-01-02 16:56:32.718585262 -0500
+++ gdb/	2007-01-03 20:04:44.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Automatically update copyright for GDB, the GNU debugger.
+# Copyright (C) 2007
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GDB.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# Usage: cd src/gdb && sh ./
+# After running, update those files mentioned in $byhand by hand.
+# Always review the output of this script before committing it!
+# Emacs 21.4 does not wrap Lex input as C, Autoconf input without
+# duplicating DNL, texinfo without duplicating @c, tex without
+# duplicating %, *.defs as C, man.  So these need to be done
+# by hand.
+# Files which should not be modified, either because they are
+# generated, non-FSF, or otherwise special (e.g. license text).
+cat > copytmp.el <<EOF
+(setq copyright-query nil)
+(setq vc-cvs-stay-local nil)
+(load-file "copyright.el")
+for f in $prunes $byhand; do
+  prune_opts="$prune_opts -name $f -prune -o"
+for f in $(find . $prune_opts -type f -print); do
+  cat >> copytmp.el <<EOF
+(switch-to-buffer (find-file "$f"))
+(setq backup-inhibited t)
+(setq write-file-hooks '())
+(kill-buffer (buffer-name))
+cat >> copytmp.el <<EOF
+(delete-file "copytmp.el")
+exec emacs -q -l ./copytmp.el

Attachment: copyright-updates.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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