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Re: trying to build gdb with renamed cygwin1.dll

Fahd Abidi wrote:
My purpose is to try and build a gdb that so I can move it across
different windows platforms with out worrying about newer or older
versions of the cygwin dll interfering. I already looked at the MinGW
option but the newer versions of gdb do not build against mingw32.

I don't know about the exact solution you had in mind, but ....

You might want to investigate the -mno-cygwin GCC option. This builds "MinGW" binaries (Minimum GNU for Windows) which do not depend upon anything not present in a standard Windows installation. This is how our Windows tools are built.

Obviously there are issues with doing it this way - no automatic support for Cygwin pathnames being the biggest - but most of these can be overcome with little effort, and all overcome with more effort.


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