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Re: New MI maintainer

 > If a company is willing to pay for work on MI, that is a good thing.
 > I don't think we should treat that as something suspect.

That is surely a good thing, just as Red Hat paid for the initial development
of MI, but the circumstances are different here.

 > However, it does sound like the SC should say something to Vladimir
 > about the vital importance of backward compatibility and compatibility
 > with other GNU packages.

Clearly Vladimir's appointment should be seen as an endorsement of his views.
You can't really expect checks and balances to be put in place.

Anyway, I should respect the decision of the global maintainers, although I
suspect most didn't have an opinion in the matter.  It looks like I've been
outmanoeuvred and perhaps I shouldn't be such a sore loser.  I guess it's
checkmate and game over.


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