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Re: Frame lost after 'leave' and before 'ret' instruction on i386?

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:00:31PM -0400, Aleksandar Ristovski wrote:
> Am I again missing something big or is this really being called only from breakpoint.c?
> I would imagine it should be called from other spots as well. I find
> handle_inferior_status quite complicated and do not fully understand
> it, but shouldn't it be called from there as well (when stepi-ing,
> we need to know if the frame can be created or not).

Why would we need to know whether we were in an epilogue?  If you want
to be able to backtrace, this hook isn't going to help you; your
unwinders have to cope.  I hacked the ARM one to do this once but I
don't see a general solution.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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