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Re: Does not stop at break point in GDB-remote


I understood a little bit of GDB remote serial protocol.
And I newly perused  remote-5.log file.

--- excerpts from remote-5.log : break,continue commands
c b cyg_start ; break command
c c ; continue command
w $Z0,411dda,2#d3 ; Insert (`Z0') a memory breakpoint at address 411dda of size 2
r +$#00
w +$m411dda,2#8a ; Insight gets breakpoint address's codes
r +$1aa2#25
w +$X411dda,2:\x01\x80#30 ; Write address 411dda codes \x01\x80
r +$OK#9a
w +$vCont?#49
r +$#00
w +$Hc0#db
r +$OK#9a
w +$c#63 ; execute continue command
r +$O4E6574776F726B20737461636B207573696E6720363936333220627974657320666F72206D6973632073706163650A#0C
w +
r $O2020202020202020202020202020202020202020363936333220627974657320666F72206D627566730A#24
w +
r $O202020202020202020202020202020202020202031333932363420627974657320666F72206D62756620636C7573746572730A#DF
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A206D62696E69742830783030303030303030290A#60
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A206379675F6E65745F696E69745F646576732830783030303030303030290A#32
w +
r $O496E697420646576696365202764703833393032615F65746830270A#FC
w +
r $O4450383339303241202D20656570726F6D204553413A2030303A30323A63623A30313A34323A62390A#45
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A206C6F6F706174746163682830783030303030303030290A#0D
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A206966696E69742830783030303030303030290A#59
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A20646F6D61696E696E69742830783030303030303030290A#2F
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A206379675F6E65745F6164645F646F6D61696E2830783030343732386138290A#CF
w +
r $O4E657720646F6D61696E20696E7465726E657420617420307830303030303030300A#81
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A206379675F6E65745F6164645F646F6D61696E2830783030343732323938290A#CE
w +
r $O4E657720646F6D61696E20726F75746520617420307830303030303030300A#2E
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20496E69743A2063616C6C5F726F7574655F696E69742830783030303030303030290A#5D
w +
r $O5B6379675F6E65745F696E69745D20446F6E650A#2D
w +
r +
w \x03 ; Here GDB stub's reply terminated,and GDB sent "w \x03"
r <Timeout: -1 seconds>
End of log

What is "w \x03" ?
Because according to GDB remote serial protocol, it is reserved.
Any meaning ?

If you have any idea why GDB stub terminated reply,please teach me.

Masahiro Ariga

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