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Re: gdb.git hiccup

Matt Rice wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 4:09 AM, Frank Ch. Eigler <> wrote:
>> Hi -
>> On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 08:51:32AM +0200, Jim Meyering wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> But when I tried to diagnose it, I discovered that there are unreadable
>>> temporary pack files owned by from back in February that prevent a local clone.
>>> Â sourceware$ cd /git/archer.git/objects; ls -l tmp*
>>> Â -rw------- Â1 rmoseley archer Â368640 Feb Â9 Â2009 tmp_pack_hMUtoO
>>> Â -rw------- Â1 rmoseley archer Â876544 Feb Â9 Â2009 tmp_pack_jmBcho
>>> Â -rw------- Â1 rmoseley archer 1007616 Feb Â9 Â2009 tmp_pack_zbwx0m
>>> [...]
>> These have been zapped.
> unfortunately it still isn't working, I think here is what happened
> from this email (about the win32-termcap.c -> windows-termcap.c rename)
> If archer.git was cloned using --reference or --shared pointing to the
> gdb.git repository the archer.git
> repository is probably referencing that commit which is no longer
> contained in the gdb.git
> also, gdb.git currently is missing the windows-termcap.c file, so
> wouldn't build on windows

Thanks for pointing that out.
That happened because when I recovered from the binutils->gdb pollution,
I removed the messed up gdb.git repository and re-sync'd it from a
guaranteed-clean mirror already on  Normally that
works fine.  However, in this case, the mirror was too clean, and
lacked the fix-up I'd pushed to accommodate the cvs-renaming problem
with windows-termcap.c.

I wish I'd pushed it to the staging mirror rather than to the public one.
If I'd done that, there would probably be no problem now.

If someone has a clean, up-to-date repo from Friday,
into which they haven't pulled anything from this weekend,
no local changes and no private branches, please upload
the tar/compressed .git/ directory to some place accessible
(e.g., to and send me the resulting link.

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