glibc-bugs archive
author index for October, 2007

This is the mail archive of the mailing list for the glibc project.

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abhishekrai at google dot com

adi at hexapodia dot org

aj at suse dot de

Alan dot Wood at vectek dot co dot nz

Alexander dot Kahl at web dot de

andreas dot abel at ifi dot lmu dot de

apconole at yahoo dot com

bldewolf at csupomona dot edu

blp at cs dot stanford dot edu

bpeeluk at yahoo dot co dot uk

bruno at clisp dot org

bugs at elyoung dot com

christian dot iseli at licr dot org

cr at progress dot com

drepper at redhat dot com

drow at sources dot redhat dot com

dwayne at translate dot org dot za

emil at wojak dot eu

empfehlungsmail at power dot ms

felix-glibc at fefe dot de

g dot tomassoni at libero dot it

hermantenbrugge at home dot nl

ikalvachev at gmail dot com

jakub at redhat dot com

jciccone at gmail dot com

john at thesalmons dot org

jsm28 at gcc dot gnu dot org

k-makita at soft dot fujitsu dot com

ludo at gnu dot org

macro at linux-mips dot org

madcoder at debian dot org

marcin dot gil at gmail dot com

matt dot hoosier at gmail dot com

michel at sgi dot com

mr dot ecik at gmail dot com

nickc at redhat dot com

oliver at linux-kernel dot at

paul at inet dot co dot za

peter dot moulder at infotech dot monash dot edu dot au

r_runner at poczta dot onet dot pl

red at rasc dot ru

redhat dot com+Bugzilla at edp dot org

Robert Nagy

roland at gnu dot org

rsa at us dot ibm dot com

schizo at debian dot org

schwab at suse dot de

sds at gnu dot org

sirspiritus at yandex dot ru

skasal at redhat dot com

stefanus dot dutoit at rapidmind dot com

sylvain dot pasche at gmail dot com

thkala at softlab dot ece dot ntua dot gr

thunter at erggroup dot com

tipp at kanzler dot ms

tkoenig at gcc dot gnu dot org


vincent+libc at vinc17 dot org

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