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Re: using static libraries

Daniel Rohe schrieb:
> I'd like to use the static version of gsl. what do I need to specify during compilation to
> do this?
> Daniel

Hi Daniel!

This is the normal dynamic way (here a test application gsl_brent)

make gsl_brent
cc -c -I/opt/gsl-1.0/include -o gsl_brent.o gsl_brent.c
cc gsl_brent.o -o gsl_brent -L/opt/gsl-1.0/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas

The Makefile is (for gnu make):

GSL_PREFIX := $(shell gsl-config --prefix)

gsl_brent.o:	gsl_brent.c
	$(CC) -c -I$(GSL_PREFIX)/include -o $@ $<

gsl_brent:	gsl_brent.o
	$(CC) $< -o $@ -L$(GSL_PREFIX)/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas

(Do not forget to correct the tab-spaces, if using these lines)

To check, what is linked dynamically, use ldd:

ldd ./gsl_brent => /opt/gsl-1.0/lib/ (0x40017000) => /opt/gsl-1.0/lib/
(0x40180000) => /lib/ (0x401c0000) => /lib/ (0x402f5000) => /opt/gcc-3.0.2/lib/ (0x40318000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

This was done on a linux system with gcc-3.0.2.

You can avoid dynamic linking generally by using -static, or in
particular to have static gsl-linking:

cc gsl_brent.o -o gsl_brent /opt/gsl-1.0/lib/libgsl.a

This should be the Makefile rule:

gsl_brent:	gsl_brent.o
	$(CC) $< -o $@ $(GSL_PREFIX)/lib/libgsl.a

Make executes:

cc gsl_brent.o -o gsl_brent /opt/gsl-1.0/lib/libgsl.a

now ldd results:

ldd ./gsl_brent => /lib/ (0x40024000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

If you like to know more details, please ask.

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