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Re: a few questions about discrete rng

>Rodney Sparapani writes:
> > Brian:
> >  Apparently, I didn't understand the standards documentation with
> > respect to size_t.  But, it's too bad about gsl_vector.  I think
> > this decision should be reconsidered.  Also, I remember reading
> > that there have been some developments with respect to vectors in
> > C99.  Might this not also be a good reason to re-think the design?
>Nope ;-)

I was just reading the design part of the manual and it discusses size_t.  
However, I found it to be pretty vague.  Maybe you could elaborate a bit by 
adding your statement about it being the only portable way to index arrays 
across 32-bit, 64-bit, etc.  

> > It is alot easier to pass one parameter than 2 since you can easily
> > get them backwards.
>gsl's vectors use a stride, which adds unnecessary overhead to array
>based functions.

I don't understand this.  Would this tend to add overhead to linear algebra 
operations as well?  

> >  But, back to discrete with size_t and without gsl_vector.  I
> > thought that it would be better to streamline it a bit and make it
> > look more like the other rng's.  I'm attaching an example of that
> > which also contains a prototype for a multinomial randist.
> > Comments are welcome and please feel free to use this in GSL.
>Is there any algorithm better than O(n)?

Good question!  Since the discrete rng was already implemented in GSL, I didn't 
think to look for a faster method.  I checked Johnson which is the classic 
reference for multivariate distributions.  However, if there's material there, I 
missed it.  A more recent work, Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods 
by JE Gentle (1998), seems to imply that there is:

"To generate a multinomial, a simple way is to work with the marginals; they are 
binomials.  The generation is done sequentially.  Each succeeding conditional 
marginal is binomial.  For efficiency, the first marginal considered would be 
the one with the largest probability.

Another interesting algorithm, due to Brown and Bromberg, is based on the fact 
that the conditional distribution of independent Poisson random variables, given 
their sum, is multinomial.  The use of this relationship requires construction 
of extensive tables.  Davis found this method to be slightly faster, once the 
setup operations are performed.  If multinomials are to be generated from 
distributions with different parameters, however, the simple method is more 

MB Brown and J Bromberg, An efficient two-stage procedure for generating random 
variates from the multinomial distribution.  Am. Statistican(1984), 38, 216-9

CS Davis, The computer generation of multinomial random variates.  Computational 
Stat. and Data Analysis(1993), 16, 205-17.

I think Gentle's simple method would be equivalent to my simple method based on 
the discrete rng.  It appears that a method does exist that could beat it, but 
not by much and the overhead would probably make it slower if you needed 
simulations from multinomials with different probabilities.  Therefore, the 
simple methods appear to be a good compromise between efficiency and complexity. 
I'm attaching the latest which is now independent of discrete.c (due to 
borrowing and constructing a discrete rng).  Note that some rng features are 
still unimplemented, but I will add them.

Rodney Sparapani              Medical College of Wisconsin
Sr. Biostatistician           Patient Care & Outcomes Research (PCOR)    
Was 'Name That Tune' rigged?  WWLD -- What Would Lombardi Do
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_vector_uint.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>

/*   Stack code borrowed from discrete.c                 */
/*** Begin Stack (this code is used just in this file) ***/

/* Stack code converted to use unsigned indices (i.e. s->i == 0 now
   means an empty stack, instead of -1), for consistency and to give a
   bigger allowable range. BJG */

typedef struct {
    size_t N;                      /* max number of elts on stack */
    size_t *v;                     /* array of values on the stack */
    size_t i;                      /* index of top of stack */
} gsl_stack_t;

static gsl_stack_t *
new_stack(size_t N) {
    gsl_stack_t *s;
    s = (gsl_stack_t *)malloc(sizeof(gsl_stack_t));
    s->N = N;
    s->i = 0;                  /* indicates stack is empty */
    s->v = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*N);
    return s;

static void
push_stack(gsl_stack_t *s, size_t v)
    if ((s->i) >= (s->N)) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Cannot push stack!\n");
        abort();                /* FIXME: fatal!! */
    (s->v)[s->i] = v;
    s->i += 1;

static size_t pop_stack(gsl_stack_t *s)
    if ((s->i) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Cannot pop stack!\n");
        abort();               /* FIXME: fatal!! */
    s->i -= 1;
    return ((s->v)[s->i]);

static inline size_t size_stack(const gsl_stack_t *s)
    return s->i;

static void free_stack(gsl_stack_t *s)
    free((char *)(s->v));
    free((char *)s);

/*** End Stack ***/

typedef struct {                /* struct for Walker algorithm */
    size_t K;
    size_t *A;
    double *F;
    gsl_rng *r;
} gsl_rng_discrete;

gsl_rng_discrete *
gsl_rng_discrete_alloc(const gsl_rng_type * T, size_t Kevents, const double *ProbArray)
    size_t k,b,s;
    gsl_rng_discrete *g;
    size_t nBigs, nSmalls;
    gsl_stack_t *Bigs;
    gsl_stack_t *Smalls;
    double *E;
    double pTotal = 0.0, mean, d;
    if (Kevents < 1) {
      /* Could probably treat Kevents=1 as a special case */

      GSL_ERROR_VAL ("number of events must be a positive integer", 
			GSL_EINVAL, 0);

    /* Make sure elements of ProbArray[] are positive.
     * Won't enforce that sum is unity; instead will just normalize

    for (k=0; k<Kevents; ++k) {
        if (ProbArray[k] < 0) {
	  GSL_ERROR_VAL ("probabilities must be non-negative",
			    GSL_EINVAL, 0) ;
        pTotal += ProbArray[k];

    /* Begin setting up the main "object" (just a struct, no steroids) */
    g = (gsl_rng_discrete *)malloc(sizeof(gsl_rng_discrete));
    g->r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
    g->K = Kevents;
    g->F = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Kevents);
    g->A = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*Kevents);

    E = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*Kevents);

    if (E==NULL) {
      GSL_ERROR_VAL ("Cannot allocate memory for randevent", ENOMEM, 0);

    for (k=0; k<Kevents; ++k) {
        E[k] = ProbArray[k]/pTotal;

    /* Now create the Bigs and the Smalls */
    mean = 1.0/Kevents;
    for (k=0; k<Kevents; ++k) {
        if (E[k] < mean) ++nSmalls;
        else             ++nBigs;
    Bigs   = new_stack(nBigs);
    Smalls = new_stack(nSmalls);
    for (k=0; k<Kevents; ++k) {
        if (E[k] < mean) {
        else {
    /* Now work through the smalls */
    while (size_stack(Smalls) > 0) {
        s = pop_stack(Smalls);
        if (size_stack(Bigs) == 0) {
            /* Then we are on our last value */
        b = pop_stack(Bigs);
        fprintf(stderr,"s=%2d, A=%2d, F=%.4f\n",s,(g->A)[s],(g->F)[s]);
        d = mean - E[s];
        E[s] += d;              /* now E[s] == mean */
        E[b] -= d;
        if (E[b] < mean) {
            push_stack(Smalls,b); /* no longer big, join ranks of the small */
        else if (E[b] > mean) {
            push_stack(Bigs,b); /* still big, put it back where you found it */
        else {
            /* E[b]==mean implies it is finished too */
    while (size_stack(Bigs) > 0) {
        b = pop_stack(Bigs);
    /* Stacks have been emptied, and A and F have been filled */

#if 0
    /* if 1, then artificially set all F[k]'s to unity.  This will
     * give wrong answers, but you'll get them faster.  But, not
     * that much faster (I get maybe 20%); that's an upper bound
     * on what the optimal preprocessing would give.
    for (k=0; k<Kevents; ++k) {
        (g->F)[k] = 1.0;

    /* For convenience, set F'[k]=(k+F[k])/K */
    /* This saves some arithmetic in gsl_rng_discrete(); I find that
     * it doesn't actually make much difference.
    for (k=0; k<Kevents; ++k) {
        (g->F)[k] += k;
        (g->F)[k] /= Kevents;

    free((char *)E);

    return g;

gsl_rng_discrete_get(const gsl_rng_discrete *g)
    size_t c=0;
    double u,f;
    u = gsl_rng_uniform(g->r);
    c = (u*(g->K));
    u *= g->K;
    c = u;
    u -= c;
    f = (g->F)[c];
    /* fprintf(stderr,"c,f,u: %d %.4f %f\n",c,f,u); */
    if (f == 1.0) return c;

    if (u < f) {
        return c;
    else {
        return (g->A)[c];

void gsl_rng_discrete_free(gsl_rng_discrete *g)
    free((char *)(g->r));
    free((char *)(g->A));
    free((char *)(g->F));
    free((char *)g);

gsl_vector_uint * gsl_ran_multinomial(const gsl_rng_discrete *d, const size_t n) 
  gsl_vector_uint * X = gsl_vector_uint_calloc(d->K);
  unsigned int i, j;

  for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    gsl_vector_uint_set(X, j, gsl_vector_uint_get(X, j)+1);

  return X;

int main()
  double p[5]={0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.5};
  gsl_rng_discrete * d = gsl_rng_discrete_alloc(gsl_rng_gfsr4, 5, p);

  gsl_vector_uint *x = gsl_ran_multinomial(d, 10000);
     FILE * f = fopen("test.txt", "w");
     gsl_vector_uint_fprintf (f, x, "%d");
     fclose (f);


     return 0;


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