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string <-> function code

i've been working on code which allows users
to enter math expressions at runtime for a fair while.

i recently decided to beef up the code to include
differentiation and simplification.

looking at the TODO list, i thought it might
be nice if it could be in gsl.

 - the usual operators (including precedence), functions etc.
 - the functions map R^n => R.
 - fairly optimized
 - interface for users to add new functions, operators, simplifiers
 - in the gnu coding style already
 - license is no problem (since i'm the author, and i'll make it GPL.)

 - uses glib 1.2 (the various typedefs and macros will have to
   be replaced with gsl equivalents -- i'm willing to do this)
 - no builtin support for matrix, complex, etc arguments
   (in a few cases complex numbers and fixed size matrices
    could be represented as arrays of reals, but that's ugly)
 - it could probably use a new name (currently MathFunction)

you might check it out at:

any interest?  what's required?

- dave

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