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Re: About coordinated efforts on scientific software.


Greetings again.

In reply to your long message's concerns. I believe that all the community
should gather (and support) the Common Components Architecture and BABEL
(which interoperate together) for the issues that you talk about.

If the community agreed on a representation for
vectors/matrices/operators/statistics functions, etc. current libraries
can be wrapped with things like Babel.

Take a look at this nice tutorial:

And the documentation here:

The languages they support are:

Fortran 77, Fortran 90, C, C++, Java, MATLAB, and Python. 

That means: if we had a group of people creating BABEL interfaces to GSL,
it could be automatically used from all these different languages at the
cost of a C++ call (at least that is what the Babel people say that their
wrappers cost in CPU time).

The common components architecture, which can use Babel components, has
even a GUI builder where you can assemble prebuilt components (like an
optimizer, a Monte Carlo integrator, etc.) for creating applications in
literally seconds.

Babel is LGPL, CCA and people are componentizing a lot of stuff. 

Jaideep Ray showed a very complex example of a solver for the diffusion
equation. For example, they componentized stuff like a mesh refiner
or a mesh statistics tool:
an optimizer:

I think that these guys are very advanced in this project, and if
all the community joined in, this could become our own umbrella project.

I am a graduate student trying to finish my work, so I decided not to
componentize anything right now, but later I might work on it.

Anyway, a simple effort of componentizing what we already have, might get
us farther than we think.


On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Christos Siopis wrote:

> On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Manoj Warrier wrote:
> > I guess (hope rather) that GSL will eventually cover the numerical library
> > part of point (1). For plotting and graphics we again have a similar
> > situation as in the "mathematic packages" ... Check out
> > ("; for a list of free packages.
> I think the problem is not so much with lack of libraries as it is with
> lack of an "integrated" environment where one can start with raw data,
> pass them through various mathematical transformations, and finally plot
> some result, all from inside the same "package"/environment that 
> encourages trial-and-error, what-if experiments, and rapid prototyping.
> The first thought that one might have for achieving this would be to
> somehow wrap a number of relevant libraries and use them from inside a
> scripting language like python. I can see at least three kinds of problems
> with this:
> - First, most of the existing libraries are too low-level for direct use
> from an interactive scripting environment. Things like memory allocation
> (needed e.g. by GSL) or opening a window for plotting (needed by e.g. by
> PGPLOT)  are *show-stoppers* in an interactive environment. Some heroic
> people are going through the pain of actually creating usable interfaces,
> such as the PyGSL folks. This is fine, except two things:  how do the
> wrapper functions interoperate with functions from other wrapped libraries
> (see next item below), and how do we ensure we do not enter into a
> versioning hell, where the wrapper uses some version A of the library, but
> the library has now moved on to version B; add some RPM versioning issues
> if you use RedHat's stuff and multiply all this by the number of libraries
> which you want to wrap and enjoy the mess...
> - Second, there is the issue of consistency of the user interface. For
> instance, a NumPy (numeric python) user is used to the ufuncs, "universal"  
> functions with return type that depends on the input type. So if a NumPy
> user wanted to compute the mean of an array, he or she would expect that a
> function call like mean(arrayx) would return an long int or a float,
> depending on whether arrayx is an array of longs or of floats. But doing
> this through GSL/PyGSL, the user would have to use pygsl.statistics.mean
> for a float or pygsl.statistics.long.mean for a long int, i.e. the user is
> asked to think in terms of C, a strongly typed language. This is both
> annoying and prone to hard-to-find errors. A related issue is the overlap
> between wrappers of different libraries (e.g., NumPy already has a couple
> of mean/average functions from other libraries!). And there is also the
> issue of performance, as NumPy objects are converted back and forth to
> different formats (some wrappers do a better job at this than others).
> - Third, it's the question of "putting this all together". Wrappers are
> good for wrapping a small number of small libraries. As you add more and
> more, there's all sorts of issues related to the distribution of the
> "final" package, the quality and homogeneity of the documentation, and so
> on. If there was no other solution at hand, maybe this would all be
> acceptable. But with commercial packages offering a "one-stop" solution
> (despite a number of other disadvantages) i think the open-source science
> community has to do better than that.
> SciPy ( ) is a package that tries to solve some of these
> problems but i this it is a little too early to tell how good the outcome
> will be, and i cannot help wondering how many more times the open source
> numerical community will have to code and debug e.g. an FFT transform or a
> statistical package and whether this is the best use of our resources...
> Christos


Alan Aspuru-Guzik                    Dios mueve al jugador, y éste, la pieza.
(510)642-5911 UC Berkeley           ¿Qué Dios detrás de Dios la trama empieza
(925)422-8739 LLNL                de polvo y tiempo y sueño y agonías? -Borges

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