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Re: gsl_linalg_complex_householder_transform

Mario Pernici writes:
 >  Now my examples for the functions in the section Tridiagonal
 >  Decomposition of Hermitian Matrices work without modifications of
 >  the code of gsl.  The key point is that gsl_complex
 >  gsl_linalg_complex_householder_transform (gsl_vector_complex * v)
 >  returns a complex number tau such that (I - tau^* v v^H) x = -/+
 >  ||x|| e_1 (see Working Note 72) while I thought the relation was
 >  (I - tau v v^H) x = -/+ ||x|| e_1 Maybe this should be added in
 >  the comments to the source code of this function.

Yes, I should have commented it before... I've added some comments
now, and the function gsl_linalg_complex_householder_hv.


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