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Tristan Marly writes:
 > The GSL is under GNU Public License, and I would like to figure out if 
 > one can make a commercial software using GSL. By 'using', I mean linking 
 > (dynamic/static: does it make a difference ?) with C objects.
 > I read the GPL text, I also read some analysis of GPL, but I can't make 
 > it clear for me.

There is some information about the commercial use of GSL on the 
GSL homepage at,

This should answer your questions.

For general information there is a GPL FAQ at,

The Free Software Foundation also offers a license consulting service
which gives legal advice.  If you contact them at the address below
they can provide you with details:

  Free Software Foundation           
  59 Temple Place - Suite 330        
  Boston MA 02111-1307 USA

  Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
  Fax:    +1-617-542-2652


Brian Gough

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