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Re: multidimensional integration

Robert G. Brown writes:
 > However, the integrand he has to integrate is actually defined and
 > integrated over somewhere between 5 to 7 dimensions (with rectangular
 > limits).  The routine he used from NAG was actually d01fcc, which is NOT
 > from QUADPACK but rather implements the multidimensional adaptive
 > routine HALF with a custom interval rule.  When I looked at GSL's online
 > manual (version 1.6 as of this last December) I didn't see a
 > multidimensional integration routine equivalent to d01fcc.

See Steven Johnson's recent post for adaptive multidimensional integration.

Otherwise MISER or VEGAS are the only existing options.

Or take out a support contract and I'll write a replacement for d01fcc ;-)

Brian Gough

Network Theory Ltd,
Commercial support for GSL ---

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