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optional arguments handlers

With all this discussion on optional arguments handlers, has anyone
looked at the let-optionals macros used in scsh (let-opt.scm)?

They're implemented in Clinger/Rees high level macros and handle
optional arguments in a very schemely manner. Here's some of the doc
from that file.

I ported these to defmacro at one point for a scsh port to Gambit,
it's not hard.

;;; (LET-OPTIONALS arg-list ((var1 default1) ...) 
;;;   body
;;;   ...)
;;; This form is for binding a procedure's optional arguments to either
;;; the passed-in values or a default.
;;; The expression takes a rest list ARG-LIST and binds the VARi to
;;; the elements of the rest list. When there are no more elements, then
;;; the remaining VARi are bound to their corresponding DEFAULTi values.
;;; It is an error if there are more args than variables.
;;; - The default expressions are *not* evaluated unless needed.
;;; - When evaluated, the default expressions are carried out in the *outer*
;;;   environment. That is, the DEFAULTi forms do *not* see any of the VARi
;;;   bindings.
;;;   I originally wanted to have the DEFAULTi forms get eval'd in a LET*
;;;   style scope -- DEFAULT3 would see VAR1 and VAR2, etc. But this is
;;;   impossible to implement without side effects or redundant conditional
;;;   tests. If I drop this requirement, I can use the efficient expansion
;;;   shown below. If you need LET* scope, use the less-efficient 
;;;   LET-OPTIONALS* form defined below.
;;; Example:
;;; (define (read-string! str . maybe-args)
;;;   (let-optionals maybe-args ((port (current-input-port))
;;;                              (start 0)
;;;                              (end (string-length str)))
;;;     ...))
;;; expands to:
;;; (let* ((body (lambda (port start end) ...))
;;;        (end-def (lambda (%port %start) (body %port %start <end-default>)))
;;;        (start-def (lambda (%port) (end-def %port <start-default>)))
;;;        (port-def  (lambda () (start-def <port-def>))))
;;;   (if (null? rest) (port-def)
;;;       (let ((%port (car rest))
;;; 	        (rest (cdr rest)))
;;; 	  (if (null? rest) (start-def %port)
;;; 	      (let ((%start (car rest))
;;; 		    (rest (cdr rest)))
;;; 	        (if (null? rest) (end-def %port %start)
;;; 		    (let ((%end (car rest))
;;; 			  (rest (cdr rest)))
;;; 		      (if (null? rest) (body %port %start %end)
;;; 			  (error ...)))))))))

;;; (:optional rest-arg default-exp)
;;; This form is for evaluating optional arguments and their defaults
;;; in simple procedures that take a *single* optional argument. It is
;;; a macro so that the default will not be computed unless it is needed.
;;; REST-ARG is a rest list from a lambda -- e.g., R in
;;;     (lambda (a b . r) ...)
;;; - If REST-ARG has 0 elements, evaluate DEFAULT-EXP and return that.
;;; - If REST-ARG has 1 element, return that element.
;;; - If REST-ARG has >1 element, error.

;;; (LET-OPTIONALS* args ((var1 default1) ... [rest]) body1 ...)
;;; This is just like LET-OPTIONALS, except that the DEFAULTi forms
;;; are evaluated in a LET*-style environment. That is, DEFAULT3 is evaluated
;;; within the scope of VAR1 and VAR2, and so forth.