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rx and ctax

Can anybody help me on installing and using rx and ctax?

I mangaged to compile the rx library after changing 
    scm_gen_puts (scm_regular_string, ...);
    scm_puts ( ... );
and moving the rx directory into the core-distribution directory.

After installing I get a static and a shared library but no
.scm modules. 
Is the shared lib intended for dynamic linking? If not Do I have to
build a new guile on my own or is there an option in the
I it is supposed tbe linked dynamically, what is the exact procedure
to link and initialize it?

I also have problems using the ctax-modules (but this may be a
consequence of the rx-problem)

If I say (use-modules (ctax reader)), I get 

 ERROR: While evaluating arguments to memq in expression (memq :shortest (car rs)):
 ERROR: Unbound variable: :shortest
 ABORT: (misc-error)

... (backtrace at the end of file) ...

Thanks for any help, 

PS: Doe's the readline.x dependency has not yet moved into the
    core-distribution? I had to fix it when I tried last nights

 0* [primitive-load "/usr/local/share/guile/1.3a/ctax/lexer.scm"]
 1* (begin (begin #<unspecified>) (begin (let # # ...) (eval #)) ...)
 2  (define-public ctax-lexer (make-lexer ctax-lexer-spec))
 3  [eval (define-private ctax-lexer (make-lexer ctax-lexer-spec))]
 4* (define-private ctax-lexer (make-lexer ctax-lexer-spec))
 5* [define (define-private ctax-lexer (#@make-lexer #@ctax-lexer-spec)) (#<procedure (symbol define?)>)]
 6* [make-lexer (("\\(\"\\([^\"\\\\]\\|\\\\.\\)*\"\\)" #<procedure #>) ("'\\\\0[0-7]?[0-7]?[0-7]?'" #<procedure #> :shortest) ("'\\\\n'" #<procedure ign> :shortest) ...)]
 7  [lexer-regexp-and-handler (("\\(\"\\([^\"\\\\]\\|\\\\.\\)*\"\\)" #<procedure #>) ("'\\\\0[0-7]?[0-7]?[0-7]?'" #<procedure #> :shortest) ("'\\\\n'" #<procedure ign> :shortest) ...) #<procedure (regexp handler)>]
 8  (let* ((default #) (sans-default #) (default-at-end #) ...) (return regexp handler))
 9* (letrec ((recurse #)) (recurse (reverse sans-default) 1))
10  [#<procedure (rs n)> (("[^- :<>0-9;
,+*/(){}=#\\\\\"`'a-zA-Z]\\+" #<procedure error args>) ("\\\\[a-z?!<>=0-9_-][a-z:?!<>=0-9_-]*" #<procedure #>) ("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" #<procedure #>) ...) 1]
11  [string-append "\\(" "[^- :<>0-9;
,+*/(){}=#\\\\\"`'a-zA-Z]\\+" ... ...
12*  [number->string ...
13*   (if (memq :shortest (car rs)) (- n) ...)
14*   [memq ...