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Re: difficulty of writing translators writes:
> > However, it would please me (if it's not too deadly to implement) to
> > see functions allowed to return set!-able references:
> >    (set! (my-prop) 17)
> >    (my-prop)             => 17
> Kawa supports this (for some primitive functions - I haven't decided
> yet how to define such functions in Scheme).
> Note that having functions "return set!-able references" is
> probably not the way to do it, since we want a normal call (not in a
> set! context) to return plain value, not a reference.  Instead,
> we allow functions to have "attributes", and one attribute is a
> functions setter function.  Then we define:
> 	(set! (f . args) value)
> as being syntactic sugar for:
> 	((setter f) value . args)
> > (While I'm at it, I'd argue for (set! (array-ref a 6) 'zork) etc. as a
> > clean alternative to setf.)
> The advantage of this design is that it is procedural, while
> setf is macro-based.  Hence setf only works for setter functions
> explicitly known (by name) at compile time, but setter works on
> procedure *values* at run-time, and is therefore much more in
> the spirit of Scheme.

I think this interface is a good thing. In fact, I wrote something
similar for Guile purely in Scheme (it defined a new setf! syntactic
form instead of overloading set!, but was based on a property of the
procedure, not the symbol). I think the interface for setting the
setter of an ordinary Scheme procedure should be:

procedure: (set-setter! PROC SETTER-PROC)

with `set-setter!' defined as the setter of `setter', so the user can
do (purely for example purposes, this particular setter should be

(set! (setter car) set-car!)

Optionally, some syntactic sugar like define-with-setter might be

Is there any reason why that would be a bad interface?

 - Maciej