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Truely annoying regular expressions.

guile> (define parser (make-regexp "^[ \t]*([^ \t:]*):[ \t]*(.*[^ \t])[ \t]*$"))
guile> (define m (regexp-exec parser "Concept: Joe learns guile"))
guile> (define (capitalize! s)
  (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
       (l (string-length s)))
      ((>= i l)
       (if (>= l 1)
	   (string-set! s 0 (char-upcase (string-ref s 0))))
    (string-set! s i (char-downcase (string-ref s i)))))
guile> (capitalize! (match:substring m 1))
ERROR: In procedure string-ref in expression (string-ref s i):
ERROR: Bad memory access (Segmentation violation)
ABORT: (signal)

Nice.  It's rare to see a scheme interpreter seg fault.

>From the Match Structures info node:

 - procedure: match:substring MATCH [N]
     Return the portion of TARGET matched by subexpression number N.
     Submatch 0 (the default) represents the entire regexp match.  If
     the regular expression as a whole matched, but the subexpression
     number N did not match, return `#f'.

>From ice-9/regex.scm:

(define-public (match:substring match . args)
  (let* ((matchnum (if (pair? args)
		       (car args)
	 (start (match:start match matchnum))
	 (end   (match:end match matchnum)))
    (and start end (make-shared-substring (match:string match)

Cool.  Docs don't mention that the returned string shouldn't be
modified & guile doesn't tell me "Error: Attempt to modify read/only
object", it tells me "Segmentation violation".

1. Why the call to make-shared-substring?
2. If I try to modify a "shared" string, shouldn't I get an error
   message that's a little more illuminating than a seg fault?
3. Between the lack of documentation, the *misleading* documentation,
   the *unusual* interfaces (i.e. - match:substring returning an
   immutable string), and the cryptic error messages, I find guile
   scheme *extremely* annoying & difficult to program with, compared,
   say to STk & Bigloo.  STk is better documented & more uniform,
   reliable & schemish, & Bigloo has a compiler and an extremely
   useful & efficient lexer & parser.  Before the existence of
   apropos, guile was almost impossible, so it's better than it used
   to be, but it's prety weak for version # > 1.0.

Harvey J. Stein
BFM Financial Research