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Text benchmarking - some results.

Some benchmarking notes/results using extract.scm (appended below).

1. I moved almost all defines to the top level because I discovered
   that they were being evaled for each fcn invocation.

2. Timing readline on all the C code in scwm gives ~1.8 seconds to read all the code:

   guile> (define (test-read r p) (if (eof-object? (r p)) #t (test-read r p)))
   guile> (define (test-read-f r f) (call-with-input-file f (lambda (p) (test-read r p))))
      guile> (with-profiling (test-read-f) (for-each (lambda (f) (test-read-f read-line f)) testfilelist))
      Function            Called     Time
      ------------------- ---------- ---------
      test-read-f               45.0     1.770

3. Using %read-line instead shaves off about .7 seconds:

   guile> (define (mrl p) (car (%read-line p)))
   guile> (with-profiling (test-read-f) (for-each (lambda (f) (test-read-f mrl f)) testfilelist))
   Function            Called     Time
   ------------------- ---------- ---------
   test-read-f               45.0     1.060

4. gawk does it in .2 seconds:

   hjstein@bacall:~/remote-cvs-pkgs/scwm/scwm$ time awk 'END {print NR}' *.c
   0.16user 0.05system 0:00.21elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
   0inputs+0outputs (304major+243minor)pagefaults 0swaps

5. Perl takes .3 seconds:

   hjstein@bacall:~/remote-cvs-pkgs/scwm/scwm$ time perl -e 'while (<>) { } ; print "$.\n";' *.c
   0.27user 0.02system 0:00.29elapsed 97%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
   0inputs+0outputs (170major+63minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Thus, although %read-line would need to be ~7x faster to catch awk,
or ~3x faster to catch perl, it's still not horrible.

6. The extraction portion of extract.scm seems to be spending a large
   chunk of it's time in regexp-exec.  I'm effectively calling 2
   regexps on each line - 1 to see if it's a SCWM_PROC & the 2nd when
   the 1st fails (which is usually) to see if it's an embedded
   document item.  The calls to regexp-exec seem to be taking the bulk
   of the processing time:

   guile> (with-profiling (extract-docs-from-port) (define d (apply extract-docs-from-files testfilelist)))
   Function            Called     Time
   ------------------- ---------- ---------
   extract-docs-from-port      45.0     9.130
   guile> (with-profiling (extract-docs-from-port regexp-exec) (define d (apply extract-docs-from-files testfilelist)))
   Function            Called     Time
   ------------------- ---------- ---------
   regexp-exec            51506.0     9.430
   extract-docs-from-port      45.0    16.450

   There's about 1 second of profiling overhead/10,000 calls in the
   parent, & about .5 seconds/10,000 calls in the routine itself, so
   about 6 second out of 9 are spent in regexp-exec.

7. Doing similar work with awk yields:

   hjstein@bacall:~/remote-cvs-pkgs/scwm/scwm$ time awk '/^[ \t]*SCWM_PROC[ \t]*\(/ {print $0} /^[ \t]*SCWM_PROC[ \t]*\(/ {print $0}' *.c >/dev/null
   0.65user 0.06system 0:00.70elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata
   0inputs+0outputs (309major+451minor)pagefaults 0swaps

   According to this, guile regexps are >15x slower than awk's.  Of
   course, the scheme version is doing much more work, so:

8. Doing the same as the above awk gives:

   guile> (define (for-each-line f p) (let loop ((l (car (%read-line p)))) (if (eof-object? l) #t (begin (f l) (loop (car (%read-line p)))))))
   guile> (define (for-each-line-f f file) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (p) (for-each-line f p))))
   guile> (with-profiling (for-each-line-f) (for-each (lambda (f) (for-each-line-f (lambda (l) (regexp-exec proc-start-match l)) f)) testfilelist))
   Function            Called     Time
   ------------------- ---------- ---------
   for-each-line-f           45.0     3.980
   guile> (with-profiling (for-each-line-f) (for-each (lambda (f) (for-each-line-f (lambda (l) (regexp-exec proc-start-match l) (regexp-exec doc-start-match l)) f)) testfilelist))
   Function            Called     Time
   ------------------- ---------- ---------
   for-each-line-f           45.0     6.910

   So, of the 9 seconds it's taking extract.scm to read & parse the
   input files, about 7 seconds is devoted to reading each line (~1
   second) and applying two regular expressions.  This makes guile
   about 10x slower than awk.

   Putting the regexps together gives a decent improvement:

   guile> (with-profiling (for-each-line-f) (for-each (lambda (f) (for-each-line-f (lambda (l) (regexp-exec proc-or-doc-start l)) f)) testfilelist))
   Function            Called     Time
   ------------------- ---------- ---------
   for-each-line-f           45.0     4.560

Can this be improved?  Please?

Harvey J. Stein
BFM Financial Research