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Re: fluid-let (Craig Kaplan) writes:

>    Example, with C on the left and Scheme on the right:
>         int x = 7;                    (define x 7)
>         int y = ++x;                  (define y (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x))
>         int a = y + y;                (define a (+ y y))
>     is _not_ equivalent to 
>         int x = 7;                    (define x 7)
>         int a = (++x) + (++x);        (define a (+ (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x)
>                                                    (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x)))
>     or worse yet,
>         int a = (++7) + (++7);        (define a (+ (begin (set! 7 (+ 7 1)) 7)
>                                                    (begin (set! 7 (+ 7 1)) 7)))

As a side point, remember than in C/C++, we get few guarantees about the 
order of evaluation of expressions in the same statement.  The
translations to scheme are illustrate only one possible ordering -- for
the C language, no single order of evaluation can portably be assummed.
