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Re: A new module system for Guile

Jost Boekemeier wrote:

> ;create a new module "test"
> (module "test")
> (define h (module* "hugo")) ; use-module: hugo
> (define w (module* "walter")) ;use-module: walter
> h.p -> 2
> w.p ->3
> (set! h.p 99)

I would prefer that there was long hand version of 
h.p as well.  It would be nice if the guile
reader could identify a module variable by the first
or second character it read in, in this case it has to parse
what looks like a symbol until it hits a "."  and
then has to change its mind.
Also the dot also reserved for
pairs and it might introduce coding errors.

(e.g) (foo h.p) -> (foo h . p)

Optimally I would like if the analogy:

(quote hello)  <----------->  'hello
(module-var h p) <------------> #:h:p or #/h/p  (for example)

was followed. :)
