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bignum printing bug

Someone reported a bug a while ago in the bignum support: a factorial
procedure wasn't giving the right answer.  e.g.,:

(define (factiter x tot)
  (if (= x 1)
      (factiter (- x 1) (* x tot))))
(define (fact x) (factiter x 1))

(define bad (fact 7350))

(define str (number->string bad))
(define len (string-length str))
(define last (substring str (- len 40) len))
(display last)

should print a string of zeros.  sometimes it works, but you still get
the wrong answer if you type "bad" a few times.

it's probably system-specific: i get the bug on i586/linux;
gcc 2.7.2 and gcc 2.8.1, but only if numbers.c is optimised:
-O will do.

the problem seems to be in the bignum -> string conversion.
this is a work-around: i don't know why it helps.

--- numbers.c.orig      Wed Oct  7 22:31:18 1998
+++ numbers.c   Wed Oct  7 22:28:56 1998
@@ -1387,7 +1387,8 @@
      SCM b;
      register unsigned int radix;
-  SCM t = scm_copybig(b, 0);   /* sign of temp doesn't matter */
+  /* volatile to avoid the (fact 7350) bug.  */
+  volatile SCM t = scm_copybig(b, 0);  /* sign of temp doesn't matter */
   register SCM_BIGDIG *ds = SCM_BDIGITS(t);
   scm_sizet i = SCM_NUMDIGS(t);
   scm_sizet j = radix==16 ? (SCM_BITSPERDIG*i)/4+2