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Re: Proposed change to DYNAMIC LINKING

Chris Bitmead <> writes:

> I think we might need a change to the way dynamic linking works.  Let
> me explain...


I think you are exactly right.  I had the same problems with
guile-gtk, where I have numerous inter-library dependencies and
multiple modules in one shared library.  The current dynlinking scheme
of Guile can't handle this nicely.

I'm still mightily confused about dynamic linking, tho.  I'm glad that
you have problems, too, if I might say that.

I have basically implemented your suggestion in guile-gtk.  All
modules are now implemented by Scheme source code and there is no
magic going on inside the module system to find shared libraries.  For
example, the module (gtk gdk) is implemented by gtk/gdk.scm, which
looks like this:

    (define-module (gtk gdk)
      :use-module (gtk dynlink))

    (merge-compiled-code "sgtk_init_gtk_gdk_glue" "libguilegtk")

The important part is of course the call to `merge-compiled-code'.  It
searches for libguilegtk, resolves all its dependencies (using the
libtool information files if available), links it in, and calls the
function `sgtk_init_gtk_gdk_glue'.

The library search should mirror the way the system searches for
shared libraries at program startup.  Right now, it looks in
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and some predefined directories like /usr/lib.

Sadly, I don't have the time to do this right.  The current
implementation is all but widely ported.  It should work on Linux and
on FreeBSD.  The right place to put most of the libtool and
sys-dependent magic would be the dld package, I think.

Putting shared libraries in non-standard places and requiring them to
have meaningful names was a bad idea on my part.  I'm not happy with
it, but I also lack the determination to do something about it.

You might want to check out guile-gtk, either from the Gnome CVS repo
in the gnome-guile module, or from this URL

Here is gtk/dynlink.scm, which might be of immediate interest:

(define-module (gtk dynlink)
  :use-module (ice-9 regex))

;; Alternative implementation of dynamic linking for compiled code
;; modules

;; The idea here is to not use the builtin mechanism for dyn-linking
;; at all, because it sucks.  It can't really deal with a more
;; complicated setup like more than one module in a shared library or
;; one compiled module using another.

;; The problems all stem from the fact that the shared library is
;; required to have a name that matches the module name and that it
;; does not work to load a shared library multiple times via different
;; names.  In addition, dlopen does not deal with version numbers,
;; etc.

;; I hope to use GNU dld in the future, which should provide a sane
;; dlopen abstraction on all supported platforms.

;; All other Guile-gtk related compiled code modules are supposed to
;; use this mechanism as well.  We use the special `gtk
;; %static-initfuncs%' module directory for storing information about
;; statically linked init functions.  You should never explicitely
;; request a module from this directory.

(define (pk . args)
  (write args (current-error-port))
  (car (last-pair args)))

(define this-module (current-module))

;; Split STR at its colons, resulting in a list of strings.

(define (split-colon-path str)
  (if (or (not str) (zero? (string-length str)))
      (let ((pos (string-index str #\:)))
	(if pos
	    (cons (substring str 0 pos)
		  (split-colon-path (substring str (1+ pos))))
	    (list str)))))

;; Extended version of `search-path': we also look for libraries with
;; trailing version numbers here.

(define (search-path-extended name path)
  (if (and (> (string-length name) 0) (eqv? (string-ref name 0) #\/))
      (or-map (lambda (p)
		(let ((file-list (list))
		      (pattern (if (string-match "\.(so|la)$" name)
				   (string-append name "*")
				   (string-append name "\.so*"))
		  (and (file-exists? p)
		       (file-is-directory? p)
		       (let ((dirh (opendir p)))
			 (while (let ((file (readdir dirh)))
				  (if (not (eof-object? file))
					(set! file-list
					      (append file-list (list file)))
		  (or-map (lambda (f)
			    (let ((match (string-match pattern f)))
			      (if match
				  (string-append p "/" (array-ref match 0))

;; Try each element of PATH for NAME.

(define (search-path name path)
  (if (and (> (string-length name) 0) (eqv? (string-ref name 0) #\/))
       (or-map (lambda (p)
		 (let ((full-name (string-append p "/" name)))
		   (if (file-exists? full-name)
       (search-path-extended name path)

(define (default-lib-path)
  (append (split-colon-path (getenv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"))
	  '("/usr/local/lib" "/usr/X11R6/lib" "/usr/lib" "/lib")))

;; Find a libtool information file.  We search PATH for "" and
;; return the full path name.  When the file can not be found, return #f.

(define (find-libtool-library name path)
  (search-path (string-append name ".la") path))

;; Return the contents of as an alist.  PATH is used to find

(define-public (libtool-library-info name path)
  (define (split line)
    (let ((pos (string-index line #\=)))
      (if pos
	  (let ((key (substring line 0 pos))
		(value (substring line (1+ pos))))
	    (if (eqv? (string-ref value 0) #\')
		(set! value (substring value 1 (1- (string-length value)))))
	    (cons (string->symbol key) value))
  (let ((full-name (find-libtool-library name path)))
    (if full-name
	(with-input-from-file full-name
	  (lambda ()
	    (let loop ((line (read-line))
		       (info '()))
	      (if (eof-object? line)
		  (reverse info)
		  (let ((i (split line)))
		    (if i
			(loop (read-line) (cons i info))
			(loop (read-line) info)))))))

;;; Finding the shared object filename from a plain library name like
;;; "libm" that makes dlopen open that library.  On some systems it is
;;; enough to just return "", on other systems we have to
;;; search the path ourselves and maybe do magic stuff with version
;;; numbers.

;;(define (find-soname name path)
;;  (define (string-string str1 str2)
;;    (let ((len1 (string-length str1))
;;	  (len2 (string-length str2)))
;;      (let loop ((pos 0))
;;	(cond ((> (+ pos len2) len1)
;;	       #f)
;;	      ((string=? (substring str1 pos (+ pos len2)) str2)
;;	       pos)
;;	      (else
;;	       (loop (1+ pos)))))))
;;  (let ((full-name (pk 'full-name 
;;		       (search-path (string-append name ".so") path))))
;;    (and full-name
;;	 (let ((real-name (pk 'real-name (readlink full-name))))
;;	   (if real-name
;;	       (let ((pos (string-string real-name ".so.")))
;;		 (cond (pos
;;			(set! pos (+ pos 4))
;;			(do ()
;;			    ((or (> pos (string-length real-name))
;;				 (not (char-numeric? (string-ref real-name
;;								 pos)))))
;;			  (set! pos (1+ pos)))
;;			(pk 'soname (substring real-name 0 pos)))
;;		       (else
;;			real-name)))
;;	       full-name)))))

;; Return the soname of a shared object.  Originally I thought that we
;; have to be clever here because of versions and different names for
;; one library.  But I know think that dlopen is clever enough.  I'm
;; confused.

;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;; [Followup to the comment above:]
;; This is not the case on BSD-like systems (FreeBSD), so we need to
;; do the LD_LIBRARY_PATH search here - but I also want to use this
;; feature on systems where it is supported like Linux.
;; So my idea was to do the LD_LIBRARY_PATH search here and pass both
;; the old name and the full pathname to %sgtk-dlopen - this function
;; is responsible for finding out which of them to use.
;; Oct 24, 1998. Martin
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------

;; (define (find-soname name path)
;;   (string-append name ".so"))

(define-public (find-soname name path)
  (let ((full-name (search-path (string-append name ".so") path)))
    (if full-name full-name
	(begin (warn "Cannot find library" name) #f))))

;; We have to use our own dynamic-link function because Guile's
;; doesn't use the RTLD_GLOBAL flag.

(define (init-dlopen-funcs)
  (if (not (module-defined? this-module '%sgtk-dlopen))
       (lambda ()
	 (let* ((path (default-lib-path))
		(name "libguiledlopenhelper")
		(full-name (find-soname name path)))
	   (set-current-module this-module)
	   (dynamic-call 'sgtk_dlopenhelper_init 
			 (dynamic-link full-name)))))))

;; Find and link a library named NAME, searching PATH.  When PATH is
;; not specified, use a default search path.  NAME should be something
;; like "libfoo", without any extensions.  When can not be
;; found, try  When can't be found either, return #f.

(define-public (dlopen-libtool-library name . opt-path)
  (let* ((path (if (pair? opt-path) (car opt-path) (default-lib-path)))
	 (info (libtool-library-info name path))
	 (dlname (assq 'dlname info))
	 (deps (assq 'dependency_libs info))
	 (libdir (assq 'libdir info))
	 (real-name (string-append name ".so")))
    (cond ((and dlname (> (string-length (cdr dlname)) 0))
	   (if deps (do-libtool-link (cdr deps)))
	   (let ((full-name (if libdir
				(string-append (cdr libdir) "/" (cdr dlname))
				(cdr dlname))))
	     (and full-name (%sgtk-dlopen real-name full-name))))
	   (let ((full-name (find-soname name path)))
	     (and full-name (%sgtk-dlopen real-name full-name)))))))

;; Return a procedure that returns the next space-separated word of
;; STR each time it is called.

(define (make-word-scanner str)
  (let ((pos 0)
	(len (string-length str)))
    (lambda ()
      (let loop ((start pos))
	(cond ((>= start len)
	      ((eqv? (string-ref str start) #\space)
	       (loop (1+ start)))
	       (let loop ((stop start))
		 (if (or (>= stop len) (eqv? (string-ref str stop) #\space))
		       (set! pos stop)
		       (substring str start stop))
		     (loop (1+ stop))))))))))

;; Perform run-time linking of LIBS.  LIBS should be a string like you
;; would specify it to the system linker, like "-L/usrX11R6/lib -lX11".
;; Returns an unspecified value.

(define-public (do-libtool-link libs)
  (let ((next-word (make-word-scanner libs))
	(path (default-lib-path)))
    (define (option-arg word)
      (if (< (string-length word) 3)
	  (substring word 2)))
    (define (doit)
      (let ((word (next-word)))
	(if (and word (eqv? (string-ref word 0) #\-))
	    (let ((arg (option-arg word)))
	      (case (string-ref word 1)
		 (let ((path path))
		   (doit) ; process rest first
		   (or (dlopen-libtool-library (string-append "lib" arg)
		       (display (string-append "Can't link lib" arg
					       ", hope that's ok.\n")
		 (set! path (cons arg path))
		 (display (string-append "Ignoring link option" word "\n")

;; Merge some compiled code into the public interface of the current
;; module.  The compiled code will be initialized by calling a
;; function named INIT-FUNC in the library called LIBNAME.  When
;; INIT-FUNC is among the pre-loaded libraries, we use it.  Else we
;; try to dynamically link LIBNAME, which should be a shared library
;; built and installed with libtool.  LIBNAME should not include any
;; extension, like ".la" or ".so", or version number suffices.

(define-public (merge-compiled-code init-func libname)
  (let* ((module (current-module))
	 (interface (module-public-interface module)))
    ;; make the new primitives visible from within the current module.
    (module-use! module interface) ; XXX - is this safe?
     (lambda ()
       (set-current-module interface)
       (let* ((modname (list 'gtk '%static-initfuncs%
			     (string->symbol init-func)))
	      (modinfo   (or-map (lambda (modinfo)
				   (if (equal? (car modinfo) modname)
	      (init-func (if modinfo (cadr modinfo) init-func))
	      (lib       (if modinfo (caddr modinfo)
			     (or (dlopen-libtool-library libname)
				 (error "can't open library" libname)))))
	 (if lib
	     (%sgtk-dlinit init-func lib)
	     (dynamic-call init-func #f)))))))