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Re: Scheme style auto-resizing hashtable (fwd) writes:
> Here are much better names (I was going to make its behavior conditional
> on the type of the argument... not a good idea, I think): 
> dictionary-add-dictionary!  (err, dictionary-insert-dictionary!)
> dictionary-add-alist!       (..., dictionary-insert-alist!)
> here's a new list of dictionary procedures

Here are my comments (other than s/dictionary/hash-table/g which I
mentioned in a previous message).

I'd like to see parameter signatures for these.

> constructors:
>         make-dictionary
>         make-dictionaryv
>         make-dictionaryq
> behavior modifiers:
>         dictionary-enable! 
>         dictionary-disable!
>         dictionary-change-type!

Couldn't these all be encapsulated into a generic
disctionary-set-parameter!, it seems annoying to have so much
interface just to set a few tunable parameters.

> the big three basic operations:
>         dictionary-insert!
>         dictionary-lookup
>         dictionary-remove!

In my opition, consistency is even more important than
meaningfulness. Hence, these should be renamed to `dictionary-set!',
`dictionary-ref' and `dictionary-delete!' respectively. Also there
should probably be a `dictionary-add!' which inserts a given key-value
cons cell, guaranteeing to share the memory.

> iterators and friends:
>         dictionary-map                <-> ???
>         dictionary-foreach            <-> ???

Er, that should be -for-each, not -foreach, again for consistency.

> 	dictionary-make-iterator  -- perhaps add an "auto-grow"
> 				  -- option to be toggled off until
> 				  -- iterator is finished
> 	call-with-dictionary-iterator
> dictionary to whatever conversions:
> 	dictionary->alist           -- was dictionary->items
> 	dictionary->keys  
> 	dictionary->values
> whatever to dictionary "conversions":
> 	dictionary-insert-alist!

Although this might seem nice as a convenience,

(dictionary-insert-alist! my-dict my-assoc)

is barely shorter than the (IMO more clear)

(for-each (lambda (x) (dictionary-add! my-dict x)) my-assoc)

> 	dictionary-consume-alist!  -- delete alist while
> 				   -- inserting pairs (to conserve memory)

I don't understand how this can possibly work. You can't "delete" an
object in Scheme per se, you can only remove all references to it, at
which point it gets GC'd. 

> 	dictionary-insert-dictionary!
> 	dictionary-consume-dictionary! -- delete buckets while 
>                                        -- inserting entries

Same points as above, except that it is vaguely meaningful to clear a
dictionary while copying it into another. Are these operations really
common enough that making the API bigger by including them directly is
a good thing?

> statistics:
> 	dictionary-stats
> 	dictionary-more-stats

`dictionary-stats' is gratuitous enough as it is that there don't need
to be two of them :-)

> the rest:
>         dictionary-clear!
>         dictionary-copy!

If anything I think a non-desctructive `dictionary-copy' would be more
useful than `dictionary-copy!'. The latter is unlikely to be much more
efficient, and it seems a nuisance to have to have a spare dictionary
object lying around to copy into.

 - Maciej