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Re: setf.scm

>>>>> "Russ" == Russ McManus <> writes:

    Russ> Thanks for summarizing the CL view; you did it better than I
    Russ> was able.  Personally I view setf as a programmer
    Russ> convenience, an enforced consistent naming scheme.  In
    Russ> practice, I find it a pleasure to use, and I wish Scheme had
    Russ> it, or that it was a standard add-on.

You're welcome.  As for the convenience angle, I totally agree; I'd
actually settle for set-*! or *-set! if they were standardized, but
they're not and probably won't.

Now that I think about it, there is a good reason to prefer setf to
set-*!; it is far easier for a macro (particularly define-syntax
macros) to generate (setf (some-arbitrary-form ...) ...) than to
somehow symbol munge set-some-arbitrary-form! into something
define-syntax will accept.  This isn't as much of an issue for a CL
style defmacro, but a CL style defmacro is ugly in Scheme for various
Graham Hughes <>
PGP Fingerprint: 36 15 AD 83 6D 2F D8 DE  EC 87 86 8A A2 79 E7 E6