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Re: Initial projects list

On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 03:37:36PM -0330, Greg Harvey wrote:
>It would be nice to get some comments from the
>authors on the status of the project, e-mail addresses (if the author
>wants that information made available on the web page), whether you
>want it to be listed or not, etc...
>Scirc:; An irc client, written
>       in guile; Author: forcer

After a somewhat long time of doing nothing (lazy me), i got
back, looked at the source, got sick and rewrote it :]
ScIRC was initiated by me to have some bigger project to train my
Scheme on... But i like it alot, so i guess i'll continue it.
ScIRC 0.50's framework is done, i mostly need to write the glue...

One big part not done yet is the user interface. Since i'm a console
junkie... is there a guile-ncurses project (IIRC, there was a ncurses
module for SCM?), and if yes, what's it's status?

My email address is, feel free to list it on the
page if you want to - and keep up the good work :)


P.S. I was somewhat surprised to see this here...
     Where did you get that? freshmeat? :)

((email . "")       (www . "")
 (irc   . " (IRCnet)") (pgp . "key available on my website"))