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Re: goops documentation

On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 08:01:05PM -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
> Is there goops documentation somewhere?

Not that I've found.  Here's what I'm trying:

I'm reading pages I've printed about CLOS from CLtL 2nd edition.  It's
informative, defines the vocabulary, and shows some examples.  Start
around pg 870 or so.  Most of the basics of CL is familiar to a schemer,
and the typing system is different from scheme so you can mostly just
stick to the CLOS part of the book and not pay too much attention to the
typing stuff.  Though that may present problems later.  Anyway, this is
really well written.

I'm reading the appendix (C I think) of the Stk manual, which does some
bare-bones coverage of StkLOS as well as the differences between it and

After I've finished these I'm going to try to read some of the GOOPS
interface and see if it makes sense to me.

Then I'm going to post more questions here.

Feel free to do the same - I'm sure it's going to be fun!

Peter C. Norton                      Time comes into it. / Say it.  Say it.                   | The Universe is made of stories,      | not of atoms. 
                                     Muriel Rukeyser "The Speed of Darkness"