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Re: searching an explanation: call/cc and 'do' strangeness

| Thank you for your answer.  Regrettably, we are not quite certain what the
| lesson of your answer is.
| Do we have to avoid using the call/cc for all kind of coroutine-style
| iterations in datastructures?  Or is there a way to encapsulate the usage
| of call/cc so that we can trust code outside the encapsulation to behave
| predictably?  (OK, I guess the behaviour we have observed *is*
| predictable, somehow, but only within a global scope of the entire
| program).

Hmm, folk-law says that continuations can be used to simulate threads,
but I've never seen it done.  You can't pass the current continuation
into scopeWalkDemo as a parameter, since the binding would be
captured.  Maybe passing it in a variable would be helpful:

(define invocation-demo #f)
(define return #f)
(define scopeWalkDemo 
  (lambda (continuation)
    (let ((result #f))
      (set! invocation-demo 
	    (if (not continuation)
		(call-with-current-continuation invocation-demo)
		 (lambda (found)
		   (let ((l (list 'cow 'horse 'pig )))
		     (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
			 ((= i (length l)))
		       (set! result (list-ref l i))
		       (call-with-current-continuation found))
		     (set! result #f))))))
      (return result))))

(define v-demo (make-vector 3))

(do ((j 0 (1+ j)) (cont #t) (tmp #f))	
    ((>= j 3)) 
  (display (list cont j v-demo))(newline)
  (vector-set! v-demo j (call-with-current-continuation 
			 (lambda (return-cont)
			   (set! return return-cont)
			   (scopeWalkDemo cont))))
  (set! cont #f))