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Re: Guile as modperl

forcer wrote:
> Sounds reasonable... though... since you escape ( with \, you
> have to have \\( end up as "\(". Would that all in all make a
> difference to other backslashified HTML? e.g. would \f be "\f" or "f"?

Does \ have any other meaning in html? I was thinking about this some
more yesterday. There's probably some &xxx; syntax for a left
parethesis. To have minimal impact on the HTML syntax, it might be best
to require you to use that instead of \.

> mod_guile will be a module for Apache to allow Apache modules to
> be written in Scheme (i hope).
> In the end, it's just a matter of the (read)er. :)
> When mod_guile is done, i'll write a module for scheme-HTML, e.g.
> so that one can hook in Scheme read procedures for different MIME
> types. That would allow for using either your way or the <?scm
> ... ?> way or any other way ppl could come up with using the same
> scripting base.
> Does this sound reasonable?

Sounds good. What's not to like?

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