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Readline support


I'm having some trouble with the support for GNU readline in
guile-1.3.3c from  I followed the instructions in the
NEWS file to activate readline, but when I issue the prescribed
commands I only get an error message:

  guile> (use-modules (readline-activator))
  guile> (activate-readline)
  ERROR: In expression (define-private %readline readline):
  ERROR: Unbound variable: readline
  ABORT: (misc-error)

  Type "(backtrace)" to get more information.
  guile> (backtrace)

  18  (or (try-module-linked name) (try-module-autoload name) ...)
  19* [try-module-autoload (ice-9 readline)]
  20  (letrec ((sfx #)) (let* (# # # ...) (resolve-module dir-hint-module-name #f) ...))
  21  (let ((didit #f)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #) (lambda () #) ...) ...)
  22* [dynamic-wind #<procedure ()> #<procedure ()> ...]
  23* [#<procedure ()>]
  24* (let ((full #)) (if full (begin # #)))
  25  (if full (begin (save-module-excursion #) (set! didit #t)))
  26  (begin (save-module-excursion (lambda () #)) (set! didit #t))
  27* [save-module-excursion #<procedure ()>]
  28  (let ((inner-module #) (outer-module #f)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () # ...) thunk ...))
  29  [dynamic-wind #<procedure ()> #<procedure ()> ...]
  30* [#<procedure ()>]
  31* [primitive-load "/usr/local/share/guile/1.3.3/ice-9/readline.scm"]
  32* (if (not (defined? #)) (begin (begin # #) (variable-set! # #)))
  33  (begin (begin (let # # ...) (eval #)) (variable-set! (builtin-variable #) (lambda args #)))
  34* (define-public %readline readline)
  35  (begin (let (#) (module-define! # # ...) ...) (eval (quote #)))
  36  [eval (define-private %readline readline)]
  37* (define-private %readline readline)

  Type "(debug-enable 'backtrace)" if you would like a backtrace
  automatically if an error occurs in the future.

I'd appreciate any help with this problem.


M. S.
Martin A. Soto J.                           Profesor
Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes

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