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VM's page.

Has anyone read
I think it has a good point in that:
  Although the concept is quite nice, the 
  implementation looks unhappily quite bloated and inefficient; as
  a result it's quite ok as a glue "scripting" language, but not
  fit for efficient computation. 
This is a very good point, since things like scwm suffer greatly fromn this,
especially when contrasted with sawmill (based on rep)
Is anyone looking at this?
although when we get the mythical "new module system" I guess the defalut 
guile will be pretty much pure r?rs scheme, with the other bits dyn-loaded in,
or linked in optionally. I this a good guess?
-----------| Ceri Storey
   _\|/_   |
  o(O O)o  |    {for geek code also}

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